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Alfred woke up in a pool of sweat, gasping and holding his head with both hands as he stared into the darkness of his room, panting and not even realizing he had begun crying as well.
His entire body was shaking, trembling immensely, and everything just... Hurt.
Pain filled every part of his body and he suddenly fell back onto the bed as if he was dragged by an invisible force, he almost let out a scream of how unbearable it was. He wasn't able to breathe, and soon, loud sobs broke the thick silence of the darkness.

He had dreamt it again.

Every once in a while, since October, he had nightmares and flashbacks of what happened in the plane crash. Sometimes, it would be just a distant vision. And other times, it would be so painful, as if he was reliving the plane crash itself.

Any way or the other, it was terrible. Alfred was sleepless, and most of his work done was not well done whatsoever. He had almost lost his job several times because of the often outbursts at work, and he was just... Isolated.

He pushed away his best friends because of how clouded his mind was, and every day he though to himself that maybe this was exactly what was supposed to happen. Mathias and Gilbert felt devastated, and Elizabeta still tried her best to help. Though, he tried his best to push them all away, losing all contact and just ending up stuck with his mind, completely alone.
He rarely went out, and most of the time he did was only to get some groceries and continue his life like the outside never existed.

Alfred desperately wanted to leave London. Every cloud, every star, every street, corner, and person passing by reminded him of no one else but Arthur. And he wasn't able to live with that constant burden on his chest.
Sometimes, he felt like he, himself, was reliving the pain that his British lover felt in his last moments.

Is this how Arthur felt?

I know why he ended his life. The misery was too much to bear, and he just wanted to...
End it all.

Because maybe it would be better to be gone.

If my reason to live isn't here anymore, then why would I be?

It's been two months. I still can't sleep, eat, or work properly.

Will I ever get over this?

I miss going out with Mathias and Gilbert. I miss just hanging out, talking, drinking and watching movies. But I guess those times are gone. Maybe I'm destined to be alone.

I know I'll never be able to fall in love again. The thought of Arthur is too... New. Too fresh.

He shifted, tossed and turned on his bed with those thoughts, burying his face into the pillow.

This is going to be another long night, it seems.


Maybe somebody could actually help me out of this. At least for one night.


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"Hey, guess what?" Elizabeta and Gilbert ran into the pub holding hands and happily jumped to the seat where Mathias was casually drinking a bottle of beer alone. His boyfriend, Lukas, was also a musician, and almost always worked at something at home. Either paperwork for the accreditation, or a new piece of music written for the violin.

Mathias averted his glaze to the happy couple, smiling and waving at them. "What's up?"

Gilbert and Elizabeta looked at each other with loving smiles before turning back to him and shouting out at the same time.

"We got engaged!"

Mathias' expression formed a big grin and he got off the chair to congratulate his friends.
"That's awesome, congrats, you two! Damn it Gilbert, after two months of dating. You're good, man." He chuckled and shook hands with his best friend and hugged Elizabeta in a friendly gesture.

"That's right! I'm getting married to the most beautiful woman on this planet." The German blushed and chuckled a little, but Elizabeta wasn't the flirtatious type. She just rolled her eyes with a smirk and pushed her fiancé aside a little. 

The Hungarian and the German sat down next to Mathias on the seats and they all seemed really happy, for once. It was hard to stay positive after what had happened in October, so this small turn of events for Gilbert and Elizabeta made them smile at least a little.
"So, Gilbert, are you taking her surname?" Mathias smirked and teased his friend.

Gilbert was definitely someone who could feel embarrassed or blush easily. So he just kind of looked aside with a red face and sighed. "Yeah, actually, I was planning to."

Elizabeta victoriously smirked, and Mathias broke into a fight of laughter. "You're kidding me. Gilbert Hedervary does sound pretty awesome, though." He cackled.

"No no, I'm still keeping my German roots there. Gilbert Beilschmidt Hedervary, please."
The German chuckled and smiled lovingly to Elizabeta, who just snorted at how he could be so gentle most of the time when he was with her. She was definitely stronger and manlier than him.

Though, Gilbert would never admit that.

Mathias just gave him a long nod and looked at the Hungarian. "Sure you are." 

The two of them laughed, and Gilbert was once again left a little embarrassed and flushed red.

"So anyway, Liz, how's the therapy with Alfred going?" The Dane asked in the most casual tone he could pull off and took a sip of beer from the bottle.

She sighed, shrugging. "Honestly, not well. I think we have a long road to recovery with him. He also has constant nightmares. Actually, today he called me at 5 AM or so in tears, saying how he had 'another nightmare. I really don't know what to do... It's been two months."

"Actually, exactly two months. Today's the 16th of December." Gilbert reminded her, earning a nod from the Dane.

"Oh. I thought today was the 14th. But anyway." Elizabeta nodded to him as a 'thanks' and turned back to Mathias. "What do you think I should do?"

Mathias gave a long sigh, shaking his head and not knowing how to answer. "Maybe we have just got to give him time."

"Matt. It won't fix anything. We have to find him somebody he can love, so he doesn't feel like he will never love again." Gilbert huffed and answered.

Elizabeta suddenly paused a little, before jumping out of her chair and clapping her hands once. "Oh! I'm going back home to Budapest for winter holidays. I could take him with me. I mean, didn't he say he hated London a lot of times since the... thing happened?"

Gilbert and Mathias all nodded in agreement, it seemed like quite a nice idea. "Yeah. He should definitely go to Budapest with you." The Dane added on.

"I'm going, too, 's that right?" Gilbert gave a small smirk, and Elizabeta huffed a little.

"Of course you are. Idiot."

"I love you too."

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Goddammit I love PruHun too much. It's one of my OTPs - UsUk is my favourite, though.

Anyway, I have done a 2 months time skip, and you know, I've gotta do those. I think it suits the story, though.

Budapest is the capital of Hungary, and it's freaking gorgeous. I hope I can go for winter holidays.

Thanks for reading!

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