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Alfred had only woken up at 2 PM in the afternoon, but Arthur didn't mind just sitting on the couch next to him all that time. If nothing, it made him feel much more safer than just being in the room by himself.

Like he was away from all the voices and screaming thoughts in his head - protected in a dome of sorts. His hero was there, Alfred Jones, right next to him, and it was a big reassurance for the older Brit.

I'm so happy he came home last night. I would have done a terrible thing if he didn't.
Why am I so selfish? I rely on others, and not myself... I hate being alone, but I push everyone away from me until I break down so much that somebody always needs to pick up my shattered pieces and put them back together.

Alfred was the one who was there for me. He is always there for me when I am at my worst point.

"Good morning...?" Arthur's thoughts were broken in a slight shock by a tired and sleepy voice next to him. Alfred was awake.

"Good afternoon, Alfred", he responded with a small airy chuckle and sat up straighter on the couch, wiping away all possibly visible tears that streamed in response to his sorrowful thoughts.

"What.... What time is it?" The American rubbed his eyes and placed his glasses back in place. He was so exhausted from everything, that he really needed these extra "few" hours of sleep.

"It's 2 in the afternoon, sleepyhead." Arthur gave just a small smile as he responded, looking somewhere in the distance blankly.
"...Oh. Well, I do feel a slight bit more refreshed." Alfred let out an airy laughter at himself and stood up from the couch, stretching a little before looking at the small figure cuddled up on the couch tiredly. Arthur. His Arthur.

He looks so small, so vulnerable...

"Are you alright today, Artie?" He asked casually, not wanting to show any worry in his voice.
"Better, I guess." Arthur answered back quietly, not making eye contact with the already worried American.

Alfred raised an eyebrow at the response, but shrugged not to make Arthur feel uncomfortable.
"If you say so."

The Brit sighed in relief, and didn't move a millimeter from where he was sitting, curled up in the same position as hours before.

"Are you hungry? Should I make us late breakfast?" Alfred suggested and looked back towards Arthur who replied with a nod and a smile. "Alright then." He added on and headed to the kitchen.

Arthur saw sitting here in no use anymore, so he stood up and step by step walked into the kitchen, following Alfred, but instead of cooking, he watched Alfred cook.

"Oh, you're here." Alfred giggled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before returning to preparing breakfast - cheese toast for both of them since he really needed to visit the store again for more groceries. And he wouldn't let go Arthur out by himself.

The small kiss made Arthur blush a little, and Alfred cackled a little at the face he made.

I will always love Arthur, no matter what. And nothing will stop me from that. I will try my best to stay by his side in his time of need.

"Alfred?" A quiet and soft British accented voice startled him and snapped him away from thought.

"Huh?" He quickly became aware of his surroundings and noticed that the toast burnt a little. "Oh." The American laughed at himself and shook his head, making even Arthur laugh a little.

"It's alright, still much better than anything I could make." The Brit waved his hand slightly and commented.

"Burnt food isn't healthy, Arthur. I'll make us new toast." Alfred gave him a hasty and serious glance, making the other frown a little.

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