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DAISY FULTON loved Beacon Hills

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DAISY FULTON loved Beacon Hills. Don't get her wrong, it was boring and small and far from any other city in Northern California, but she loved it nonetheless. It had been her home for as long as she could remember. She was born there, after all.

But as she grew older, Daisy realized just how boring her home had become. Or had always been. There was little to do within the town's limits, which grew to be a problem with Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski as her best friends. They craved adventure. Something more than weekly lacrosse games, marathon games of Halo, and Daisy's documentary addiction.

They wanted fun, and fun didn't included studying for an upcoming chemistry exam.

Daisy couldn't help but agree with their mindset as the night ticked on with nothing but scientific equations splayed in front of her eyes. She sat cross-legged on her cream colored duvet with her chemistry textbook open across a pillow shoved onto her lap. Her fingers ran through the pale, golden strands of her hair as she pulled them into a bun atop her head.

"I swear, it's not that hard, Scott," Daisy spoke into the smartphone perched on the corner of her book. The call remained on speaker, giving her the freedom to move without having to hold the thing to her ear.

"Easy for you to say," Scott McCall's voice filtered through the device and filled her bedroom. "Not all of us have 3.0 grade point average."

Scott sounded a bit strained, but Daisy did not comment on it as she scoffed. "That's not even very high. It's actually pretty average." She paused when she heard his breathing grow more rapid. "Are you seriously doing pull-ups, right now?" she questioned, even though she already knew the answer.

Of course Scott was trying to exercise while they were on the phone. He did so way too often. It didn't even surprise her, anymore.

Scott exhaled from the other end of the call. "Lacrosse practice starts tomorrow."

Daisy slumped back into the handful of pillows at her back. It was always lacrosse with him. After joining the team their freshman year, Scott tried his hardest to get any play time on the field. If it wasn't enough that the game was an incredibly violent contact sport, he had severe asthma and needed an inhaler when he took stairs too fast. Safe to say Daisy hated the fact Scott played lacrosse.

"You know my thoughts on the whole lacrosse thing," Daisy grumbled to him as she glanced toward the television diagonal to her bed. Scenes of some show played on the screen, minus the volume she turned down when her phone rang.

Scott's breathing stayed labored, wheezing over the rushing of water. "Why d'you have to be so negative?"

"You're asthmatic, Scott," Daisy exclaimed, before she picked up on a brushing sound. She grimaced, putting two and two together. "Ew! You're seriously brushing your teeth while you're on the phone with me?"

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