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[ 1.11 | FORMALITY ]

     STANDING IN FRONT of her floor-length mirror, Daisy placed the last pin needed to keep her hair situated behind her left ear. Her mother finished brushing the last of the mascara over her lashes just a few minutes before, while she started on her simple hairstyle.

     Once she was satisfied, she pulled away to turn toward Lindsay sat on her bed. "Well, how do I look?" She questioned, knowing what was to come next.

     Tears already began to brim the woman's eyes, as she stood to her tennis-shoe clad feet. "Oh, honey. I was right. You look so beautiful." She exclaimed, wiping beneath her eyes.

     Daisy smiled lightly and stepped forward to placed her hands on her mother's upper arms. "Mom, please don't cry. Because if you keep going, I'm gonna start crying and ruin your masterpiece."

     Lindsay released a watery laugh. "You're right, you're right. This is your night to shine."

     "It's just the winter formal." Daisy stated, as she lowered her arms. She then moved toward her desk where she had left her recently bought heels that matched the color of her dress.

     "And you only have one winter formal." Her mother countered.

     The young girl exhaled and clasped the strap around her ankle. "Okay, I guess you're right." When the shoes were secure around her feet, Daisy stood steadily on the thin heels. She strode toward her dresser and checked the time on her phone. "I have to leave in a few minutes, or I'm gonna be late picking up Isaac."

     Lindsay nodded and took out her own phone from the pocket of her dark violet scrub pants. "I need some pictures first."

     "Mom." Daisy groaned, but allowed her mother to drag her from her bedroom and into the adjoined living area.

     "Don't mom me. I'm not going to be there when you pick up your date, and I want to remember this night." The Fulton woman stated, and positioned her daughter in the center of the room. "Now, stand there while I take your picture."

     Daisy obliged and posed for the many clicks that sounded from her mother's phone. She smiled brightly for a few, and then moved forward to swipe the device to switch the camera orientation. After taking multiple selfies, the girl gathered her small clutch purse and said a quick farewell to her mother before rushing out of the home.


     Following the directions Isaac sent her, Daisy drove her car only two blocks over to the Lahey residence. She immediately recognized the neighborhood as the same street that Jackson lived on. Coincidentally, directly across the street from her intended destination. She parked the car next to the curb in front of the Isaac's home and waited for him to emerge. Just like he told her to.

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