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[ 1.1 | THE PILOT ]

     TRUDGING THROUGH THE Beacon Hills Preserve was not how Daisy wanted to spend her afternoon. Directly after lacrosse practice, Scott announced that the three best friends needed to head back out into the forest. During the bizarre encounter the night before, the shaggy haired boy lost his inhaler. So, Scott enlisted the help of the other two teens to help him search for the medical device.

     Daisy follows after the boys periodically glaring at their backs, while she scans the forest for any sign of the creature that attacked them that night. And to top off her already soar mood, she has to worry about ruining her perfectly white sneakers.

     She watches Stiles stride through a small flowing stream kicking up the water in his wake. Scott follows after him not taking notice of his now soaked shoes.

     "I don't –I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball." Scott explains his miraculous lacrosse tryout. He stops in his tracks noticing the lack of a small blonde next to them. He turns back finding Daisy standing on the opposite side of the stream. "What are you doing?"

     The Fulton girl eyes the water and then her sneakers. "I am not getting my shoes wet for you."

     Stiles rolls his eyes gesturing with his hands wildly as he talks. "Are you being serious? You're worried about your shoes right now?"

     Daisy stares flatly at the boy. "You might not care about walking around in wet socks, but it doesn't mean I have too."

     "You are ridiculous –you know that?" Stiles voices shaking his head at the girl.

     Scott ignores his best friends' bickering stomping back through the stream. He positions himself in front of the blonde in a crouch. Daisy smiles at the action proceeding to latch onto the boy's back. He wraps his arms under her legs carrying her across the flowing water. Instead of dropping her to the ground across the stream, Daisy remains on Scott's back as he continues to speak about his experience at practice.

     "And that's not the only weird thing. I –I can –hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things."

     Stiles's brows furrow walking alongside them. "Smell things? Like what?"

     "Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket, and Daisy's rose scented shampoo." Scott states continuing to carry his best friend through the forest.

     The blonde could not even remember the shampoo she had used the night before. She just needed something to wash away the smell of the preserve from her body before her mom came home.

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