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[ 1.12 | CODE-BREAKER ]

     THE TIRES OF A small tan car squealed as it rocketed into the vacant space of the Beacon Memorial Hospital parking lot. Daisy breathed heavily, shifting the vehicle into park before she switched off the engine.

     She did not know how long it took her to make it to the medical facility from Isaac's home. The entire drive was too much of a blur for the girl to pay attention to anything but the road in front of her. She was terrified this would happen. Mortified that Peter had followed through with his threat and hurt one of her friends.

     Stiles's text left out a majority of the situation. He requested that she rush to the hospital, but did not divulge further. Daisy attempted to call the boy as she drove, despite how dangerous the action, however there was no answer. The Fulton girl's heart hammered in her chest throughout the journey, and failed to ceased as she ran barefoot across the asphalt lot and into the building.

     Daisy ran through the corridors and rode the elevator up to the ICU. She ignored the strange looks pointed her way, and actively began to search for Lydia's room. She had no idea where the girl was or what state she was in, she just wanted to know that she was alive.

     The blonde raced emerged onto the floor that held the most critical patients and instantly came to a halt. Several sheriff's deputies were moving about the sterile space with their badges glittered in the fluorescent lights. Daisy scanned her immediate vicinity and found Stiles standing near his father only a few feet away from the elevator doors. She kicked off the cool linoleum and appeared at their side a moment later.

     "What happened? Is she okay?" Daisy exclaimed, glancing between the two men and then allowed her gaze to land on the room across form them.

     Through the glass, she could see a pale red haired form laid across the plane hospital bed. An oxygen mask was placed on her face, while several tubes and wires were connected to her body in various ways. If Daisy did not know any better, she would have thought Lydia was dead.

     The sheriff sighed and shifted his attention away from his son. "They don't know, partially because they don't know what happened. She lost a lot of blood, but there's something else going on with her."

     Stiles expression dropped even further, if that were possible, as he asked, "What do you mean?"

     "The doctors say its like she's having an allergic reaction." The man stated, "Her body keeps going into shock." He turned his gaze back to the boy in front of him. "Did you see anything? I mean, do you have any idea who or what attacked her?"

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