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     "Derek's outside waiting for Lydia."

     DAISY HEARD SCOTT say as soon as she slipped into Coach Finstock's office. After she practically sprinted away from the closet Isaac dragged her into, she quickly made her way to where she intended to meet her friends. They were meant to come up with a plan to save Lydia from the rogue Alpha's insane God-complex.

     She sealed the door shut behind her and moved over to Stiles, who leaned against the coach's desk.

     Allison stood across from them near the point of biting her nails in anticipation. "Waiting to kill her?" She questioned.

     "If he thinks she's the kanima, then yes, especially after what happened at the pool." Scott stated. "We're just lucky he doesn't think it's Daisy anymore."

     Daisy nodded, crossing her arms over her grey sweatshirt. "We still have Lydia to worry about."

     "It's not her." Stiles exclaimed, pushing himself from the desk.

     Scott exhaled and turned to his male bet friend with a frown. "Stiles, she didn't pass the test, man. Nothing happened."

     The Stilinski boy just shook his head. "No, it can't be her."

     "It doesn't matter, because Derek thinks it's her." Allison voiced. "So either we can convince him that he's wrong, or we've got to figure out a way to protect her."

     "I think we're way past protecting." Daisy spoke, stepping forward to gain her friend's attention. "Isaac cornered me just a few minutes ago telling me to say out of their way. They're planning to make a move, and soon."

     Scott gave the blonde a concerned look, but choose to not acknowledge the topic in that moment. "Well, I really don't think they're gonna do anything here, not at school."

     "What about after school?" Allison inquired. "What if we can prove that Derek's wrong?"

     "By three o'clock?" Stiles questioned in a skeptic manner.

     Allison pondered the time frame, until a sudden thought popped into her mind. "There could be something in the bestiary."

     "That thing is over nine hundred pages and written in Archaic Latin." Daisy tried to reason with the brunette. "None of us can read it. How are we going to find something in their that can help Lydia?"

     "Actually, I think I know someone who might be able to translate it." Allison supplied.

     "Uh, I can talk to Derek, maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove that it's not her." Scott said, before he shifted his gaze toward his secret girlfriend. "But if anything happens, you guys let me handle it, okay?"

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