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[ 1.7 | NIGHT SCHOOL ]

     DAISY RAN A HAND through her pale locks and reframed from speaking out against her best friend. The situation had gone from bad to worse, and there seemed to be way of slowing its downward spiral.

     "Derek killed the janitor?" Jackson exclaimed with a pointed look in the McCall boy's direction.

     Allison's expression softened, but she still seemed skeptical of her boyfriend's words. "Are you sure?"

     "I saw him." Scott stated.

     Lydia shook her head. "The mountain li..."

     "No, Derek killed them." He cut her off. His gaze drifted from the supernaturally ignorant individuals and landed on his two best friend. Scott sent them a look at conveyed all that he was trying to say, whether he wanted to say it or not.

     "All of them?" Allison continued to question.

     Scott nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, starting with his own sister." He said firmly.

     "The bus driver?"

     "And the guy in the video store..." Daisy winced at the reminder of that night, but let Scott continue. "It's been Derek the whole time. He's in here with us. And if we don't get out now –he's going to kill us too."

     Jackson seemingly had enough of the conversation and the entire situation at hand. "Call the cops." He snapped his attention toward Stiles.

     "No." The Stilinski boy said flat out.

     The lacrosse player was taken back by his clear rejection. "Wh-what do you mean, no?"

     "I mean no." Stiles snapped, leaning forward. "You wanna hear it in Spanish? Noh."

     Daisy sighed, before wrapping her hands around her friend's wrist to force him to remain at her side. "What he means is, Derek has killed three people over the past few days. We don't know what he's capable of, or what he's armed with."

     Jackson scoffed. "His dad is armed with an entire sheriff's department." He glanced toward the blonde and then back to the Stiles. "Call him."

     "I'm calling." Lydia spoke, pulling her phone from her jacket.

     "No, Lydia, would you just hold on a sec..." He tried to reach out to grab the device from her hand, but she stepped away the same time Daisy pulled on his arm. With his eyes wide, Stiles looked toward his best friend in slight betrayal.

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