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[ 1.7 | NIGHT SCHOOL ]

     A SOFT LOW TEMPO song played throughout Daisy's bedroom, as she stared up at the jagged popcorn ceiling. Nothing seemed to hold her attention for very long, which prompted the young girl to gaze up at the imagined designs above her. She knew that she should be doing something more productive with her time, but her scattered mind had other plans of action.

     Her mother had already left for another night shift at the hospital. Daisy dealt with the woman's hovering ever since the attack at the video rental store. She knew Lindsay was worried, more so than other times she had gotten hurt because of her antics with her best friends, and that was completely understandable. Daisy hated worrying her mother and tried to do everything in her power to reduce the woman's stress levels. But being involved in Scott's new emergence into the supernatural world, she did not know how much longer she could keep up the charade.

     Her hands were clasped across her stomach, while her wavy blonde hair fanned out over her cream colored pillowcase. Daisy wondered what exactly her boys were doing that night. Stiles had already called her proposing a plan to reveal the Alpha's identity, which involved a howling Scott and the intercom system at the high school.

     Although she was as curious as the next person, she wanted no part in the reckless and dangerous plan. The Alpha had already killed several people in its quest to do God knew what. Daisy warned Stiles that he and Scott should just leave the idea alone, but she knew that would never happen. When Stiles thought of a plan, he had to follow through.

     Her bright green eyes remained locked on the ceiling above her, until the cheery chime of her phone caught her attention. Daisy groaned, turning on her side to pluck the blue encased device from her nightstand. She held the lit screen above her and read the text message that covered her wallpaper.


     Today 8:36 PM

    Need ur help at the high school. COME NOW.


     Daisy's features scrunched in confusion. Why would Scott be texting her from an unknown number? She knew that Derek had broken his phone just a few days prior and he did not have the money to buy a new one just yet. He had been using an older model that Daisy's mother had laying in their junk drawer. The number was already programmed into her phone, so why would he use another?

     Something was off about the entire situation. Daisy pushed herself into a sitting position and began to scroll through her internal phone book. She clicked her best friend's number and allowing the device to ring. The call soon connected, but she became even more perplexed by the voice coming through the speaker.

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