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     SUNRISE CAME ALL too soon for the three teenagers residing in the Beacon Hills Preserve. After discovering the body of a young woman in a shallow grave on the Hale property, the police were soon notified. Once the murderer in question returned to the charred remains of his home, Derek Hale was apprehended by the authorities.

     Daisy tiredly watches the deputies drag the supposed werewolf to a nearby police cruiser with Scott at her side. The young blonde had taken a miniscule nap in the backseat of Stiles jeep waiting for the boy's father to arrive. Instead of reviving Daisy for the events ahead, the moment's rest seemed to drain her even further.

     She rests her elbows against the hood of the powder blue Jeep watching the officers shove Derek into the back of the white cruiser. Many of them move in and out of the scene scoping out the rest of the property.

     Movement beyond the tree-line instantly catches Scott's attention, who stands at his best friend's side. He immediately reaches out smacking Daisy on the arm recognizing the figure striding toward the police cruiser. The blonde adverts her gaze finding Stiles dressed in a grey blazer slipping into the front seat of the car.

     She immediately turns dipping her head to be concealed behind Scott's now muscular arm. The shaggy haired boy shields his own face from view not associating himself with their best friend sneaking into the vehicle holding a soon to be convicted murderer.

     Peeking out from behind Scott's shoulder, Daisy finds the sheriff snatching Stiles from the front seat of his own cruiser. The sheriff roughly drags him away from the vehicle, before releasing his hold on the boy. A long exhale escapes her lips watching the father and son duo converse. She could tell that the conversation was taking an unexpected turn when her friend's expression drops into one of surprise.

     Daisy knew that the older man had a way of finding out any and all lies that his son spoke. And she had a feeling that he just found out one that could land her in a heap of trouble with her own mother.


     The blue Jeep moves at a fast pace down the two lane highway leading out of the expansive preserve. Daisy takes up the backseat with her arms crossed over her chest. Her green eyes remain narrowed sending daggers toward the spazzy boy in the driver's seat.

     Stiles had sprinted back to the safety of his vehicle with a guilty expression plastered across his mole covered features. Daisy immediately began to grill the boy, until he revealed the secret that he disclosed to his father. The sheriff now knew that Daisy and Scott were in the preserve the night the severed body was found. To say the Fulton girl was angry would be an understatement. She was down right furious with the spastic boy.

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