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[ 1.5 - 1.6 | THE TELL - HEART MONITOR ]

     LINDSAY FULTON WAS a very understanding woman. Being the single mother of a young daughter for sixteen years, the woman learned to adapt to situations that would drive other parents insane. And with Daisy being best friends with the two biggest troublemakers in the town of Beacon Hills, her mother realized early on that the teenage girl could potentially end up in troubling circumstances.

     Her fears were soon brought to life when her daughter was attacked at the local video rental store. Daisy attempted to calm Lindsay's nerves stating several times that she was alright, that all she received was a simple gash, but her mother did not care.

     After assessing the wound on her daughter's shoulder, the Fulton woman insisted that Daisy remain home for the upcoming school day. Not willing to get into an argument with her mother, the teenage girl simply agreed.

     If she was being completely honest, Daisy did not want to attend Beacon Hills High for the next week. The blonde knew that as soon as she stepped through the front entrance of the school she would immediately be bombarded by stares and questions. And not only that, she would have to deal with an impromptu interrogation from Stiles.

     So to appease her mother, and to avoid her hyperactive best friend, Daisy continues to lay in her bed turning off the many alarms set on her phone. The Fulton girl curls around her cream colored duvet letting her mind drift away from the harrowing encounter she experienced at the rental store. She did not want to admit it, but her mother was right. She needed a day off from the crazy werewolf drama consuming her life.

     To her dismay, the loud shrill tone of the doorbell sounds throughout the home pulling the girl from her semi-conscious state. Daisy groans deeply, throwing the duvet from her body to climb from the warm atmosphere of her bed. The blonde runs a hand through her tangled pale locks, before straightening out her loose grey t-shirt. She makes her way down the short hallway letting her bare-feet pad across the tan carpet approaching the front door.

     Daisy extends her hand toward the bronze knob, until a sudden realization dawns on her foggy mind. The Fulton girl's gaze lowers confirming her dread filled thought. In her hast to rid herself of the maddening sound of the doorbell, the blonde had forgotten to put on a bra. Her eyes scan the living room around her finding a maroon Beacons Hills Lacrosse hoodie splayed across the slate colored couch. Daisy quickly rushes toward the piece of furniture throwing the cotton article of clothing over her head.

     Once she is satisfied, the teenage girl opens the front door coming face-to-face with the last person she would want to see on any given day. Daisy practically growls finding a leather clad Derek Hale on her doorstep. The blonde crosses her arms scowling at the werewolf in front of her. "What do you want?"

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