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     THE AGE OF ADOLESCECNE has never been easy phase of life to understand. Every aspect seems to change at a rapid pace, always evolving and never slowing down. There was nothing to stop it. Life would continue to move forward leaving everyone that was struggling in the dust.

     And in the last few hours, Daisy's life had been flipped on its head.

     The Fulton girl accepted a tense ride from the one, Derek Hale. Allison opted to be taken to her home first, leaving Daisy alone with the strange man. To her surprise, it was not as incredibly awkward as she thought it would be. Very few words were exchanged between the two, which Daisy did not mind.

     Once she made it to the safety of her own home, she had gotten a call from Stiles. His absurd theory about their best friend had been correct. Scott was indeed a werewolf.

     The McCall boy leaped from his bedroom window escaping into the Beacons Hills Preserve. Stiles searched for hours, until he finally found Scott travelling down the side of a two lane highway the next morning.

     Daisy could not wrap her mind around the idea of her best friend being a creature of the night. There was no possible way that werewolves existed. That was what she always believed. Until now.

     Their new discoveries prompted Daisy to investigate further into Scott's new situation. So during her last class of the day, the blonde ventured into the school library. Although Stiles owned dozens of books and papers on the subject, Daisy did not want to deal with the boy's obsessive nature.

     Inside the library, students move about the room talking amongst themselves or searching for books along the many wooden shelves. Several of the light colored tables in the room were at full capacity preventing her from finding a spot to read the large volume in her hands. Her green eyes scan the room, until they land on a seemingly empty table toward the back of the library.

     Daisy holds the large book against the brown sweater covering her chest, as she maneuvers around the furniture spread throughout the room. Approaching the table, she finds a person occupying one of the four chairs surrounding the flat surface. A teenage boy with curly dirty blonde hair sits at the end of the table staring down at a book spread across the flat surface in front of him. His head is bowed over the volume covering his face from view.

     Hesitantly, Daisy makes her way over to the table. Approaching the chair diagonal from the boy, she clears her throat. "Uh, hi." She exclaims bringing the boy's eyes to her own. "Is anyone..."

     The boy immediately shakes his head. "No, its, uh –there's no one sitting there."

     Daisy smiles lightly setting her book down on the table, before slinging her backpack across the back of the wooden chair. She sits down noticing the boy's shy gaze return to the volume in front of him. The blonde pays him no mind flipping her own open letting her green eyes flick across the page.

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