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     SCOTT AND STILES were not "dead" in the way the latter proclaimed, but the two boys turned out to be in a lot of trouble. Jackson had reported them to his lawyer father and the sheriff about how they held him in a stolen prison transport van out in the preserve. And while Scott and Stiles claimed that the entire situation had been a harmless prank, the two of them were still given a hefty restraining order by Jackson's father.

     Daisy luckily avoided any repercussions from her involvement, as did Allison. The two girls were in the clear, which Daisy could not have been happier about. Her best friends escaped jail time by the seat of their pants and Jackson did not kill anyone during his escape. She considered that to be a win. A small win, but a win nonetheless.

     When they arrived at school the next day, tensions had rose to a dangerous level. Victoria Argent continued to roam the halls with the added help of newly installed cameras to watch her daughter's every move. Gerard remained somewhat docile, but still on the lookout for anything werewolf related. The group had to extra cautious when they discussed any of their plans within the high school's walls.

     Daisy found a note in her locker earlier that morning from Allison. The Argent girl wanted to meet in the library, a place where they could conceal their conversation, so they could discuss what she had learned from Lydia. The strawberry blonde knew Archaic Latin and helped translate what she could about the kanima. Details that Ms. Morrell, Allison's first translator, got wrong.

     The library was mostly filled by the time Daisy entered to meet with her friends. She had successfully ignored both Erica and Isaac, again, which she knew would not last for long. Daisy made her way across the large room to the multiple book shelves where she found Scott and Stiles on one side and Allison on the other. She approached her two best friends when she watched Allison slip a yellow papered notebook through the spaces between the shelves.

     "It's everything Lydia can translate." Daisy heard the Argent girl state when she appeared at Stiles side. "And trust me, she was very confused."

     "Then what'd you tell her it was for?" The Fulton girl questioned.

     "That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Allison said, a slight displeasure lined her voice.

     Stiles looked at the girl in slight offense. "I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures."

     Daisy nodded when she watched the brunette's expression morph into one of surprise. "Yeah, he sometimes makes me help him defeat a dragon or two."

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