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[ 2.5 | VENOMOUS ]

     RECOVERING FROM A bout of stomach flu was something that Daisy did not plan on happening at such a chaotic point in her life. Her sudden illness prevented her from participating in a pivotal plan to gain information on the reptilian creature that was wreaking havoc on the town. Not only that, but learning more about how the Argent family operated.

     Which by the average person's standards, would be completely and utterly insane.

     Daisy missed two extremely important events that plagued her friends. Stiles was virtually held hostage in the school pool with a paralyzed Derek by the strange creature. Somehow the thing was able to produce a paralytic toxin from its claws that would render anyone helpless to its advances. Scott had a very interesting dinner with the Argents and was then threatened and stabbed by Allison's grandfather.

     She had only been out of school for one day and already their lives were going to hell. But there was no way of knowing what else the world had in store for them.

     Still sore and slightly lightheaded, Daisy managed to make her way through the hallways toward her assigned locker. Her pale locks fell messily to her shoulders and brushed her grey sweatshirt. Her motivation to look nice was practically nonexistent due to her lingering sickness. She would have to make sure to stay out of Lydia's line of sight for the rest of the day. The last thing she needed was for the girl to criticize her outfit choices.

     She approached the thin metal door and quickly twisted the knob to enter her combination. Her mind remained blank as she placed most of her books in the small space. So far, her morning had been quite peaceful. Daisy had not seen or heard from either of her best friends since arriving to school, which she would admit was a little odd.

     With so much going on in their lives, it was a normal occurrence for tense conversations to be held when the three of them were together. More often than not, Scott's werewolf dilemma was their main topic of interest. Other times it was the Argents, while others were Derek's pack. Rarely did they ever talk about mundane issues normal teenagers were supposed to rant about. They were now responsible for the lives of Beacon Hills, which was definitely a lot to place on the shoulders of mere children.

     Daisy sometimes wished that their lives were still simple and the only thing they had to worry about was whether or not Scott made first-line. But, then they would be oblivious to the harrowing situations going on around them. The Fulton girl did not think she could go back after what has happened. They were in too deep.

     She placed her English book into the depths of her floral backpack and then shut the locker door. Daisy had only just turned to head toward her first class of the day when she froze in her tracks. Her heart began to beat rapidly in her chest as she met the gaze of someone she had not expected to see. Her lips parted in shock, while the individual across from her just smirked at her bewildered expression. Daisy could not force herself to look away, as Isaac stepped forward and entered the classroom to his left.

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