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[ 1.4 - 1.5 | MAGIC BULLET - THE TELL ]

     EVERYTHING BEGAN TO become more confusing after Scott vanished from the home. The McCall boy had ventured across town to the preserve to talk to Derek Hale. Daisy deducted that her best friend believed the man snuck into the hospital and killed the bus driver. She could not understand why Scott was so hell-bent on implicating Derek in the murderers of Mr. Meyers and his own sister, Laura. Possibly, the teenage boy's transformation into a werewolf was taking a bigger toll on his mind than he realized. Than they all realized.

     Not in good conscience, could Daisy assume that someone was a blood thirsty killer without proof. And so far, Scott had none of that. The boy was so blinded by the fact that Derek was the only other werewolf in town that he believes he is the one to turn him. The one that attacked both Scott and Daisy that night in the Beacon Hills Preserve.

     His thoughts and actions have always been irrational at times, but that was mostly due to being around a mischief-maker like Stiles. But since he became a creature of the night, Daisy had been able to pick up on her best friend's shift in behavior. Scott was more reckless, not thinking about the consequences of his actions. The Fulton girl was certain that at some point in the future he was going bite off more than he could chew. And that time was fast approaching.

     Daisy breathes a sigh of relief exiting Beacon Hills High the next day. Scott informed her and Stiles about the events that transpired the night before. The McCall boy learned there was another werewolf running around the small town that Derek called an Alpha, the leader of a pack. It was the one responsible for killing Mr. Meyers and Laura Hale, but not only that. It was also responsible for biting Scott, the one that turned him into a werewolf.

     The teenage girl was pleased to find out that Derek was not the one to blame for the strange events happening around the town. But learning that there was an even bigger and scarier beast roaming the streets, that was enough to put Daisy off the whole situation. That might be selfish of her, but it was the only way she was ever going to be able to get through the rest of her sophomore year in one piece.

     The blonde strides across the courtyard of the high school heading toward the powder blue Jeep that belongs to her best friend. Her mother had to work another night shift, so Daisy was going to spend the afternoon with Stiles to occupy her time. Scott was going to be too busy with Allison, and she did not exactly have any other friends to hang out with.

     Daisy's white sneakers slap against the concreate surface of the sidewalk, as she rounds the front of Stiles's Jeep. The Stilinski boy had already hopped into the driver's seat tossing his backpack behind him. She quickly makes her way to the passenger side slipping her own backpack from her shoulders, before feeling herself lurch forward as her best friend shifts the vehicle into reverse.

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