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     THEY INDEED HAD a problem.

     Daisy learned that the kanima had made an appearance in the library where her friends had been held for detention. During the attack, Jackson destroyed the room and incapacitated Erica and a boy named Matt. Erica then had to be rushed to Derek because the kanima venom caused her to have a seizure. After the Alpha saved her life, Scott took it upon himself to join forces with Derek to take down Jackson.

     That had been the real problem Stiles alluded to on the phone. Scott's decision meant that not only he would be working with Derek and his Betas, but Stiles and Daisy would be forced to work with them as well. The Stilinski boy was not particularly happy about the sudden team up. And to be honest, Daisy was not either.

     Although Daisy may be on relatively good terms with Isaac at the present time, she did not want to test her luck. Erica proceeded to be a raging bitch dressed in leopard print, while Boyd remained in the shadows and never contributed to anything werewolf related. Daisy wondered why he even became a creature of the night in the first place. Certainly not for the supernatural drama that encased their town.

     The next few days were a bit of a blur on the kanima front. Daisy learned from Stiles that the reptilian creature seemed to be going after a specific group of people. All from the Beacon Hills High School Class of 2006. They did not know exactly why, or how Isaac's father fit into the mix, but it was a start on trying to pinpoint the kanima's next target.

     And they actually came up with a lead.

     One of the people from the graduating class would be at a party that weekend. An underground rave, or something like that. Daisy could not remember the specifics. Since they figured out that information, she and her friends tried to obtain tickets but came up empty when the sold out. So now they had to find another way into the party.

     "There's got to be some other way to get tickets, right?" Scott thought aloud, as he, Daisy, and Stiles arrived at the high school.

     "It's a secret show. There's only one way, and it's a secret." Stiles stated, slinging his backpack straps onto his shoulders.

     Daisy gave the Stilinski boy a flat look. "I'm sure there's another way. I mean, there's always a way to find concert tickets. This should be a lot like that."

     Stiles pressed his lips together. "Why does that not make me feel any better?"

     "Hey." Matt, the boy injured in the kanima attack at detention, voiced as he approached the three friends. "Either of you guys know why no one's getting suspended after what happened the other day at the school?" He questioned the two boys that were present for the altercation.

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