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THE REST OF THE night spiraled after Jackson escaped from his ketamine induced partial slumber. Daisy and Stiles fled the rave and found Derek outside, claiming that Scott was in trouble, and the Alpha happened to be right. Scott revealed the next morning that Victoria Argent, Allison's mother, tried to kill him with airborne wolfsbane. She broke the Argent's code of hunting and received a bite from Derek in the process.

Daisy could not say that the women deserved it. Despite all the horrible things she did, or tried to do, she was still Allison's mother and a human being. Daisy would never wish harm to someone. And when it came to Victoria, she knew that the woman would end up with more than just a werewolf bite whether she liked it or not.

The next day, Daisy sat her next with her laptop sat in front of her. She worked on a paper for her AP English class on the history of poetry. As much as she did not like the subject, or how much she wanted to just binge watch the Harry Potter movies, she needed to get the paper done before her Spring Break ended.

Daisy jumped in her seat when her bedroom door burst open. Lydia stood in the doorway with bulging Macy's shopping bags held in her hands. She strode into her room and tossed the bags onto her bed.

"Is there a reason you did not show up at Allison's like I asked?" Lydia questioned the blonde girl in front of her with her hands set on her hips.

Daisy sighed and spun in her chair to face the angry birthday girl. "I'm sorry, Lydia, but I told you I couldn't go to Allison's."

"And why on earth not? Are you two fighting? Because if so, I..."

Daisy interrupted her. "It's not that. Allison and I are fine." She pressed her lips together. "It's, uh –it's her parents. They don't like me."

Lydia stared at the Fulton girl in disbelief. "What? That's not true at all. No one can hate you, you're sweet as honey and pure goodness."

Daisy laughed and gave her friend an appreciative smile. "It's complicated. But it doesn't matter. Show me what you got."

A beaming smile spread across the Martin girl's lips as she spun toward the bed where she tossed her bags.


When Lydia left with her copious amount of clothing, Daisy continued to sit at her desk for a long while. The birthday party did not start until ten that night, so she had time to wonder in her own thoughts for a bit. She tried to keep anything that had to do with the kanima from her mind, but that became difficult since that seemed to be what encompassed her life the most in recent days.

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