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[ 2.11 | BATTLEFIELD ]


OVER THE NEXT week, Daisy had no idea how to cope with the ordeal she and her friends went through at the sheriff's station. After Sheriff Stilinski dropped to the ground from Matt hitting him over the head, all hell had broken loose inside the room that housed the holding cells. Scott and Derek fought the kanima and ended up revealing themselves to Melissa. The Argents trashed the entire building in search of the reptilian creature all led by Allison.

The rest of the night had been a blur to Daisy. She learned many things after they all were safe and sound, things that she wished people would have kept to themselves. Like, how Matt had ended up dying that night. He drowned in a river several yards away from the station. How he had also photo-shopped himself and Allison together, holding hands and kissing and other stuff. Allison also lost her mother. Victoria Argent killed herself after she had been bitten by Derek at the rave. And Jackson, he had not been himself since that night. He seemed possessed most of the time, like the kanima still had a hold on him.

Daisy had not been back to school since Spring Break ended. On most days, she could not force herself to leave the comforts of her bedroom. She wanted nothing to do with the outside world. Nothing at all.

One morning, Lindsay entered her room to find her daughter curled up on her bed, staring at the wall that lined the left side of her bed. The woman sighed and moved further into the dimly lit space. "Sweetie." She voiced when she stepped toward the bed.

Daisy exhaled, turning over to face her mother. "I think –I think I'm gonna try today."

Lindsay stared at her daughter in slight surprise and sat down on the foot of the bed. "Really?"

Daisy nodded. "Yeah." She pushed herself up and leaned against her pillows. "My grades are going to slip if I don't go back soon, and –and I haven't talked to Scott or Stiles since..."

"They're going through the same thing. It's not your fault you haven't talked to them." Her mother told her.

"I know that, but –I need to do something." Daisy stated. "I at least need to step foot in the school, if only for a few hours." She glanced toward her clock set on the nightstand and found that it read a little after ten o'clock. "Or half the day, apparently."

Lindsay sighed. "Okay, but only if you're sure."

Daisy shook here head. "I'm not sure, but I know that if I don't go back soon, I'm never gonna want to go back."

Lindsay smiled and leaned forward to pull her daughter in for an embrace. "Oh, my strong girl."

Daisy laughed, but she reciprocated the hug nonetheless.

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