VI ~ Good Game

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• Credit to CheyBooks for the banner.

Fighting people is fun, I mean, I do it for a living. Beating the bad guys, earning my pay. Fun, right? Very. The catch is, I can't control my body. I can when I want but, it's rare.

    One day, I was fighting my brother, Xander. He punches me in the nose and my head snaps back. Whew, head rush.

"Sorry, Kia!"
"It's not your fault, brother!" I yell, throwing a punch.
"My poor, poor sister-!" My fist hits home.

    He grunts in reply. Xander brings his leg up and kicks me in the chest. Talk about tender. I get knocked back against an invisible wall. I slide down it and end up in a heap on the floor.

    I've never, ever been beaten before. I could the realization flood across my face as Xander picks me up by my collar. Tears shine in his eyes as he pulls his fist back for the final blow.

"I'm sorry, Kia. I love you."
"I love you too." I manage to choke out.
"Forgive me."

    I could see Xander trying to battle the invisible forces that make us do these things. He closes his eyes as his fist connects with my face. My head snaps back again and I hit the floor. Everything goes black.

    Light shines underneath my eyelids. I open them and I am met with these words:

            Game Over ---- Select One
                     • End        • Retry

    I scramble up and try to run over to the 'Retry' but, I can't move. A white arrow hovers over the 'End'. I cry out.

"No! Wait! Please, st... stop! N-!"

    An echoing click, and everything goes dark.


           Video games are everything.

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