XXVII ~ Over and Done With

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    I add a splash of witch hazel and the ugly green mixture turns to a lovely pink. I stir it a little and pour the concoction into a bottle and tuck it into my pocket. Smiling to myself, I go upstairs and hop into my car. My phone vibrates.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone.
"Hey, Tera," Comes the cheery voice of Konnor. "I sorta, kinda had to bring my girlfriend with me. Is that okay?"

    I only smile. It's not like she'll have him any longer.

"Of course! I don't mind." I reply, starting my car.
"Okay, thanks for understanding, Tera. See you in a few."
"All right, Konnor."

    We hang up and I begin my journey to the restaurant.


"Tera! Over here!" Someone calls.

    I look up and see the friendly gray eyes of Konnor. I smile at him and tuck a lock of onyx hair behind my ear. My dark eyes travel to the short blonde haired, blue eyed bimbo clinging to him and eyeing me with distaste.  I give her a smile and brush past her to give Konnor a hug.

"Hi!" I say, giving him a look over.

    His brown hair is a little shorter and his gray eyes are a little duller. Blondie over here must be wearing him out.

"Tera! You look great." He compliments me, holding me at an arms length.

    Blondie growls at me. I give her a look but go back to Konnor.

"So do you." I say back.
"We should go get our table now." Says a nasally, high soprano voice.

    Konnor nods.

"Of course, Paisley." Konnor says.

    We head to our table and sit. Paisley glares at me. Suddenly, her overly caked face of makeup lights up.

"Konnor," She purrs, dragging a fake nail up and down his arm. "I need to go to the bathroom..."
"Not now, Paisley." He says lowly.
"But, why? We didn't get to do it this morning." She whines.

    Oh. Konnor rolls his eyes and gets up.

"Fine," His eyes find mine. "Be back in a second."

    The two get up and leave. I quickly pull out the bottle and open it. Making sure no one is watching, I pour it into Konnor's drink. Satisfied, I put the bottle away and grin. Konnor is mine now. They come back, Paisley glowing and Konnor looking tired and worn out.

"Hello." I greet the two.

    Blondie smirks at me and takes a sip of her water. Konnor takes long drags of his Coke. Yes. I watch his eyes when he looks at me. A pink hue suddenly wraps around his pupil. He leans towards me, gazing at me lovingly. Paisley notices and wraps her arms around him.

    Konnor looks at her with distaste and gently pushes her off. Paisley sneers at him and gets up, leaving us. Konnor shrugs and turns back to me.

"Hi, Tera." He says quietly, giving me a smile.

    I smile back. This is going to be lovely.

Few Months Later...

    Konnor has gotten so boring now. It must be the effects of the potion. On the plus side, he still loves me.

"Tera." Someone wraps their arms around me and nuzzles my neck.

    Suddenly not wanting to be with him anymore, I gently push him away. I turn and look at him. Konnor stares back at me like a kicked puppy.

"Konnor, I think we should take a little time away from each other." I say holding him at an arms length.
"But..." He trails off.

I give him a small smile and a kiss on the cheek. I spin on my heel and leave.


I watch as she walks out of the door. My heart pounds frantically, wanting her back just as soon as the door shut.

"Tera." I whisper and fall to my knees.


I see her everywhere. It's almost like she's trying to torture me. She's always hanging on another guy's arm. A different one every single time. It breaks me. Rips me a part. It's as if I don't have a reason to live anymore.


"Ma'am?" Someone pounds on my door.

I open it to see a police man. I furrow my brow but open the door more to let him step inside.

"Are you Tera Larson?" He asks.

I haven't done anything! What could he possibly want?

"Do you happen to know a Konnor Von?"

My face pales.

"Yes, I do." I reply in a small voice.

A sad look passes over the man's face.

"It seems Konnor has parted with us and this is what he left." The officer hands me a pice of paper.

I spare him an uneasy glance before unfolding it and reading it.

Dear Tera,

It's hard without you. Everyday hurts my heart. It's painful. I'm sorry I couldn't please you. I guess I should've tried harder. So, now, here I sit, writing this to you while wasting away. Please, just know that I will always love you. To the moon and back. Hell, Pluto and back. I have no reason to live without you. So, I'm going to do myself a favor and bid you a due. Tera, I only wish the happiest of life's upon you. Good bye.

                                                                     - Konnor


Oops. Depressing again. I seriously need to make a happy one. After all, it's summer! Anyways, I'm going to watch Beauty and the Beast for the millionth time!

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