XXII ~ The Convention

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I've wanted to be an author since I was a little boy. Books have always enchanted me. All the hidden meanings and all the lessons they hold. The passion behind the words that most people can't find. It's amazing.

    Now, here I sit in a ballroom waiting for the host of the writing convention to announce the winners. The prize? A week of workshop to improve your writing from the best of authors. I twirl my thumbs, play with the hem of my suit jacket, an bounce my leg up and down. A man walks on stage, a smile plastered on his wrinkled face.

"Welcome..." He blabs on about how nice it is for us to be here and other things.

I zone until the host brings out six envelops. I sit up a little straighter.

"Our first winner is... Lee Grant."

I gasp. That's me.

"Come on up!"

I stand and walk towards the stage.

"Welcome to your first year of workshop. You will be here every summer until you graduate. Please know that you still are allowed on vacations since it still is summer. Yeah?"
"Yes, sir." I nod eagerly.

The host smiles.

He gestures to the side of the stage.

"Off you go! Rest up and you'll be on the bus to Harvard in the morning."

I nod. As, I walk off stage, I can only think to myself that I did it!


This would be cool if it was legit. Actually, it could be real. BBBRRROO SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER!

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