XXXX ~ White Room

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I sit in the corner of the all white room. My arms are crossed over my chest in an uncomfortable position. Straight jackets can do that to you.

I rock back and forth, staring at the same spot. The only flaw of the room. There is a chink in the armor of the walls. A way out.

-But I always have the jacket on.

I here the whirring sound of the camera moving to look at me. Always watching me. I can't do anything to hurt anyone! I could barely harm a fly. Barely.

The music makes my chest rattle, the bass so deep and loud. I dance on the flashing floor that illuminates the people thriving and jumping throughout the club.

The break is nice. No one to report me to police. No one to scream and hide. No one because no one knows me.

It's a great plan on my part. I'm surprised that I even thought of that to begin with. My mind is too twisted to even think straight most the time.

-But no one needs to know that.

Regardless of all the possible things I could do to the people in this place, I dance on the floor. Swing my hair, swaying my hips, aiming to catch the eye of anyone.

Then I feel a hand at my hip and a warm body press against my back, his erection pressing against my butt. Perfect.

I spin and put my arms around his neck. I smile up at the man. He smirks down at my and grips my waist almost to the point of bruising. He leans down and brushes his lips against my ear.

"Follow me." He says lowly.

I giggle and follow him to one of the VIP lounges. I watch as he sits on the bed and beckons me forward. I move and straddle his lap. His hands settle on the curve of my back.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" The man asks, slowly trailing a hand up and down my bare thigh.

I smile at him and run a hand down his chest. This should be interesting. I haven't killed a man in a while. But, I've built my strength.

"That's for me to know and for you to figure out." I say.

He chuckles and twirls a lock of my hair in his hands.

"So it seems I picked myself a mystery," He says, leaning to whisper in my ear. "I like it."

    I giggle and get off his lap.

"Where are you going, princess?"? He asks, a pout crossing his features.
"Bathroom." I say.

    He leans back on his elbows and watches me.

"I'll come back. Don't worry." I reassure him.

    The man nods.

"Good." He says lowly.

I smile and walk out. As soon as the door shuts, I scowl. The man was a police, I felt his badge as I was running a hand down his chest. Felt a taser too.

"Hello." A drunk drawls as I come out of the bathroom.

Rolling my eyes, I unsheathed my dagger and stab the guy. Poor unfortunate soul. I stalk back to the lounge, not caring that my dagger was out for the world to see. The police already knew? I mean, why was it me that he chose to grind on?

Because they found me.

And I thought I had a plan. I guess that my mind is too twisted to even make a plan. How grand.

I open the door and stalk in, finding the police talking into a walkie talkie. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I could've walked out of the club but it's too late now. He's seen me.

He grins.

"Got her." He says into the contraption.

I scowl and lunge at him. He easily stops me and pins me to the floor. The police leans down and nibbles on my ear.

"Sorry, beautiful, but you've been caught."

I growl lowly at the flash back. This situation could've easily been avoided.

Then the door slides open and in walks the one and only. He grins at me.

"Hello, princess." He greets me.

I only glare at the beautiful man in front of me.

"Got nothing to say to me?" He goads me on, coming closer.
"Other than 'fuck you'? No, I don't really have anything to say to you, Rhoades."

He frowns at the use of his last name. Waving it off, he closes the distance and leans in. Peeling my eyes away from his glorious body, I look back to the flaw in the wall. His dark eyes follow mine.

"Oh, that," He asks, answering my thought. "That's just another camera."

My mood deflates. If I could cross my arms (in a more comfortable way, that is), I would. Rhoades chuckles and tucks a lock of my chestnut hair behind my ear.

"Sorry, but you're never getting out of here, sweetheart."


I went to a concert yesterday and totally forgot to update. Sorry!

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