XII ~ Stranded

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Credit to CheyBooks for this banner.   

I've been stranded here for months now. On this island. This empty island. No one but me is here and I'm slowly beginning to lose my mind. I see things that I know aren't there and it drives me insane.

    This cruise ship is fantastic, I think to myself as I walk along deck. The ocean glitters in the sun and dark clouds threaten us beyond the horizon. My blonde hair flutters in the breeze as I lay down in the chair by the pool to work on my tan. Oh how jealous the girls will be once I get back.

     I lay there for what seems for hours, listening to kids laugh and adults talk. Teenagers gossip and the lap of the water on the sides of the ships. Suddenly, the sounds of laughter stop.

"Come on kids, time to go to our room." A mother calls to her children.
"Why, Mother?" They call back.
"A storm is coming."
"Okay, Mother."

    I open my eyes as the woman walks up to me.

"Hello, darling. I suggest you go back to your room," She says. "This storm is going to be bad."
"Yes ma'am."

    I follow her request and begin to pack up my things. Glancing behind me, I see the dark clouds rolling towards the ship. I shutter and dash back to my room. I get there and shut the door. Running over I lock the door to the balcony as the rain begins to pound the deck below.

    It doesn't take long for the waves to get riled up by the strong winds and the merciless rain that pounds into it. The ship moves to and fro, swaying, making the light fixtures move. I get changed into jeans and a long sleeve T-shirt. Be prepared, my mom said as I got on to the ship. I'll be damned if I'm not.

"Hello passengers of The Magic. It's quite a storm that's brewing out there," The captain comes in over the intercom. "I would just like to say, stay in your rooms and be careful. Enjoy the rest of your stay on The Magic."

    Yeah right. I put my tennis shoes on and pad over to the sliding glass door and peer out. Lightening flashes and thunder booms right after. Another strike of lightening hits the water and the lights go out. The ship still rocks in the water but, the engine has stopped.

    My breathing picks up. I look around my dark room. I look back out the window. Was my room always that close to the water? No, it wasn't. Oh no. The ship is sinking. Don't panic. I look up and see my greatest fear. A gigantic wave rushing towards the ship.

    It crashes against my widow, breaking it. I scream as water rushes into my room. It drags me out. I flail, searching for something to grab on to. My hands fail me as the water drags me over board. I hit the water, water immediately filling my mouth. A wave crashes over me.

    I come back up and spit out the salty water. A creaking noise makes me turn my head. An emergency boat comes rushing towards me, falling. I try to move out of the way but the waves push me back. The boat crashes over my head, knocking me out.

    I wake up on a soft surface. I open my eyes and see sand. Land! I scramble up and look around.

"Hello!" I call out, my voice hoarse.

    No answer.

    And here I am now, crouching under a tree, waiting out a storm. A storm similar to the one in which took my life away from me. A flash of lightening blinds me, making small imaginary people dance in my vision. Waves crash against the shore.

    I slowly stand. The water looks nice. I take a step towards it. No, stop, a small voice calls out in my head. It looks so soothing. The water will take my pain away. I take another few steps towards it. Thunder booms. I smile at the water. It laps up and takes my ankles. So cold. So nice. I take more steps in it. I wade till I'm to my knees.

    A wave rushes towards me and over comes my body. I welcome it. It gets hard to breathe, I notice. Just a few more minutes. Black ebbs at my vision. It feels so, so good. My arms and legs begging to convulse. I open my mouth to scream but blood comes out. I close my burning eyes and smile.

    Black is all I'll ever see, now. For I never open my eyes again.

Drowning in salt water makes you bleed                 
           from every hole in your body.
                          Fun, right?

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