X ~ Framed

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Credit to CheyBooks for the banner.

Blood. Blood everywhere. On the walls, the floor, and somehow it managed to make it's way to the ceiling. I drop my messenger bag and rush towards my little sister who lies in a pool of crimson liquid. Her gray eyes stare at the ceiling and her bright blonde hair is everywhere, tainted with blood.

I turn towards my mom and dad who lay in the same position. I stare. I can't look away. My father's throat was slit. My mother was stabbed multiple times. And Lola? She got the worst of it. The first thing I noticed was the axe in her stomach. Then, I saw that she had multiple bruises everywhere. She was only six! She didn't deserve this!

I get up, ignoring my blood stained clothes. I snatch the home phone and dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" A lady answers.
"Hello, my name is Kade Whinch and I just got home to find my family murdered."
"Okay, Mr. Whinch, we are sending a police there now. Be alert. Have a nice night."

She ends the call. I put the phone down and let the tears come. God, who would do this?

"Come on, Kadey! Let's go play! But, this time I want to be Elsa. You have to be Anna." Lola says to me.

I laugh and nod, sitting down at her little table as she sets up our Frozen tea party. She pours the tea and offers it to me.

"Thank you, Elsa." I say, taking the small cup from her.
She giggles and responds with,"You're welcome, Anna."

It's funny to think that was only this morning. The last memory sweet Lola would have of me was me pretending to be a princess before I went to school. The last my parents saw of me was a week ago. They went on a business trip and must've got back today.

The front door opens and in walks three police. One had flaming red hair and green eyes. Her freckled hand swings her gun, sweeping the area. The second was a guy with curly black hair and a boyish face. The other was also a guy. He had light brown hair and piercing gray eyes and a sharply angled face. The third dude is what you call a police.

"Kade Whinch?" The girl asks, an Irish accent rolling off of her tongue.
"Hi," She grins. "I'm Matthew."
The guy with gray eyes chuckles and says,"Matthew, don't you remember what I said?"
"Yeah, I remember. But, I'm choosing to ignore it. So, that's Vega," Matthew points at the gray eyed guy. "And that's Joel," She points to the other guy. "We will be helping today."
"Hi." I say sheepishly.

They all nod and get to work. I stumble over to a bar stool and sit down. Pressing my face to the cool granite, I listen to the trio work.

"So," Vega begins, putting small yellow cones with numbers on them by all of the evidence. "Cyra said her first word."
"Really?" Matthew said excitedly.
"What was it?" Joel asks, leaning against the door, taking pictures of the scene.

Vega stands up and glares at Joel.

"It was Yoda. My daughter's first word was Yoda."
"That's my girl." Joel snickers.
"Joel!" Matthew spins on him.

Joel only raises his hands. Matthew shakes her head and pulls a block looking thing out of her belt. She presses the front of it on the handle of the axe then, leans back and starts pressing buttons on it.

"What did Cassy think of it?" Joel asks.
"She thought it was hysterical. I, on the other hand, was pissed."
"Of course you would be."
"Okay, lets find out who the culprit is." Matthew mutters.

She clicks one more thing then, she looks up at me.

"You." Is all she says.
"Pardon?" I say tiredly, lifting my head from the counter.
"Your fingerprints are in here." Matthew explains coldly.

I rub my bloodshot eyes and sit up a little straighter. Vega looks at the thing.

"That's not right. He wouldn't be stupid enough to call us." Vega says.
"Yeah, Matthew." Joel agrees.
"I'm mean, this kid goes to Harvard for God's sake." He says, gesturing at my messenger bag.

Matthew considers it then, nods.

"But," Joel begins. "We still have to take you in for questioning."

I only nod. I don't have enough strength to argue. I get up and walk towards the door. Joel calls the department to send more police and he beckons me out of the door.

"Sorry man, but you've got to ride in the back."

I nod again and get in the back. Ignoring the awful smell in the back, I sit down. Joel tries to make small talk and I understand that he's trying to make me feel better but, I can't take it. Joel understands and stops talking. I lean my head again the window and look out. I see someone sitting on the street corner. A girl, black hair and dark eyes. I'll be damned, it's my insane ex.


Fun Fact: Matthew, Vega, and Joel are from my first book The Lost and the Found! (You should read it, hehehehe) And while I'm giving myself some self promo here, if you are interested, you can go read the book I'm working on now: When Finding a Wolf! Yay for that. Have a nice Tuesdayyyy!

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