XVI ~ American Disease

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    It's all my fault. If I stayed home, none of this would've happened. Nothing. If I stayed home, I wouldn't have been approached by two sketchy dudes in all dark clothing. If I stayed home, I wouldn't have been forced into something that leads to death sentence. I am suppose to poison the American Water System.

    I don't know how but, these guys found my family and are now holding them hostage. According to them, 'I am fit and fast and should be able to do this with out being caught. Pshh, as if.

    I trek along the side of the ginormous water plant trying to find the front. I find it and walk into the lobby. The receptionist looks up and peers over her glasses.

"Hello, miss." I greet.
"Hello, sir. And how can I help you?" She responds in a sweet tone.
"I am here for the technical problems you guys are having."
"Ah, yes. The repair man. Come, I will show you where the problem is."

    She gets up and leads the way. The lady walks through big doors and heads over to a vacant place in the humongous wear house where all of the waters vats are.

"We've been having problems with these six vats here. Once they're up and running, they will be the first to send out water." The woman explains.
"Makes sense."
She nods and says,"And what's your name, sir?"
"Vaughn. And what's your name?"

    I nod and give her a grin. Clarisse smiles back and walks away, leaving me alone. The smile drops from my face as the reality settles in. I'm about to kill everyone in America. Wait, if I'm poisoning the water system, wouldn't that mean that my family will die too? Either way, my family will die.

    I sigh and hoist the bag filled with the gallons of poison up the towering stairs to get to the top. The two guys said to pour two gallons in each vat then, hit a hidden switch that will activate the water. Once I get up to the top, I undo one gallon and pour it in, trying to ignore the awful smell.

     I finish pouring in all of the poison and I go hit every switch. The water fills the not so empty vats at an alarming rate. Soon, they're all full. That was easy. Too easy. When my suspicions begin to rise, a commotion catches me off guard. I turn to see several police men rushing towards me. I swallow. I have no where to run.

    So, I just stand there. The police pound up the stairs and surround me.

"Vaughn Klaus, you are under arrest."

    I raise my hands and nod. The police look at me weirdly.

"Just know that I was forced to do this. Also, tell them I love them." I whisper almost to myself.

    As fast as lightening, I spin and scoop a bit of the poisoned water into my hand I sip it into my mouth. The effects are immediate. I grasp my throat and fall. Through my dying haze, I see a police gasp once he saw what I did. Another looks to the vat and his jaw drops.

"Quick! Turn off the vats! They're starting to distribute the water!"
"We're police! We don't know how do do that."
"Then there goes America."

    I blink and then let my eyes stay closed. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


Jesus, I need to write a happy short story. Oh, and sorry that I've been slacking on my updating schedule. We are getting a puppy this weekend (you don't know how excited I am. I have been dogless for two years.) and SOL tests are starting on Monday so school it bleh. Anyways, happy Wednesday!

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