XVII ~ Looking Up

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I've aways been an outcast. I've sat alone at lunch for years, been bullied for years, even abused. It's no fun.

I wear mainly black to make myself look skinny. Though, I have been told that I am in fact skinny and should wear lighter colors. I should probably take that into consideration.

Today, as I sit at my desk and write some story ideas down, the door to the classroom opens. I look up, peering over my glasses. Pushing my mane of messy blonde hair out of my eyes, I see who walks in.

A boy with messy black hair and dark eyes stands in the door way, looking around the classroom with lazy eyes. Someone moves in front of me.

My head snaps up and see a pair of muddy brown eyes glaring into my greenish blue ones. Alexa. The brat of the school. Just what I needed. I give her a blank stare.

"What do you think you're doing, Avlin?" She sneers, emphasizing my full name.
"Just looking at the new kid." I simply say.
"Keep your eyes off of him. He's mine."
"Don't you have a boyfriend?"

She only glares at me.

"Zip it." Alexa makes a zipping motion over her lips before stalking over to the new kid.

I watch as Alexa lays herself all over him. To my delight, he kind of pushes her away and tells her off. She pouts and tries again. Not happening for this guy. He just walks away, leaving a brooding Alexa behind.

Deciding everything was just going to get boring from there, I go back to writing my prompts. Again, someone stands over me.

"What do you want, Alexa? You've already established what you wanted-!" I begin to snap as I look up.

Only, it's not Alexa. It's the new kid.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" He snickers, voice deep.

I clear my throat and take my glasses off to rub my eyes.

"The queen of the school over there. Claiming you as if you've been here for the whole year instead of ten minutes." I laugh coldly.
"I told her off. Definitely not my type. But, regardless, hi. I'm Evason."
"I'm Avlin."
"Nice to meet you."
"Like wise."

I hum my response. Suddenly, someone snatches my prompt away from me. I groan inwardly and slowly turn my gaze to none other than Alexa who holds my story above my head.

"He doesn't like you, Alexa. And if he did, this wouldn't impress him." I shut her down.

Her smirk falters as she slowly lowers my paper. Evason grabs it from her, smooths it out, and hands it to me.

"Thank you."
"No problem."
"All right," My teacher calls out, walking in to the lab. "Settle down. Hey! Joan! What did I tell you about mixing unknown chemicals together?"

I snicker at the red head who slowly slides her dangerous concoction out of the teacher's sight.

"Okay, we have a new student today. Hello, Evason." He waves at Evason.

Evason grins, enhancing his already handsome features. A chorus of hellos pop up along with a few suggestive comments.

"Go ahead and take a seat next to Avlin, the queen of the back of the classroom." My teacher directs.

My head turns towards the sides of me. I technically am the queen of the back. No one sits here.

"Gladly." Evason obeys.

I mentally smile and do a happy dance. Things actually seem that they are looking up for me.

Woah, a happy story for once. Wow! Good job, Ava!
I won't be updating until Wednesday because I have a really busy rest of the week and weekend. During the weekend, my mom and I are flying to Indiana to go get our puppy (I'm so excited). We get back Sunday night at midnight. Then, I have a SOL test at nine in the morning on Monday. And Tuesday, I'm simply just taking a writing break. Until next time!

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