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Next day I wake up and got ready to leave for my interview.. when I reached at breakfast table.. I saw parth sitting there i think waiting for someone but for whom? Chachi is sitting infront of him Vidushi is placing the table for me.. and here I just came out of my room.. Oh I think for me? "Parth u don't have to go fir your work? " I asked him sitting on the table to have breakfast..

"I am going but first I will drop u and thats why I was waiting for u.." he said I nodded and ate my breakfast hurriedly..later he dropped me infront of RSS'S company which is his side business other than acting.. I went to the reception and I asked about having interview for PA she nodded and asked me to wait.. I went to the waiting area and sit there.. all my happiness from yesterday Drown down now because I was so damn nervous.. last time I remember when I met him which was actually yesterday I screamed the hell out and made the situation awkward... and I don't know if he will  ever even think before rejecting me for this job... i was biting my nails then i remember it's not a good thing then i started roaming in the waiting area from left to right... suddenly the receptionist came to call me and asked me to go in.. I nervously walked towards his cabin where he had come just to take the interview because I know he loves acting and he rarely comes here.. I knocked on his cabin and I heard him saying come in.. I opened the door and find him sitting facing me his back.. he didn't turned but still asked me to sit.. first I wished him good morning and sat on a chair.. he turned his chairs to look at me and  he was shocked...😅 I awkwardly smiled at him...before he can say anything.. I started..

"I know sir it's very awkward to find me here after yesterday's incident.. but plz sir don't reject me atleast not before taking my interview and having a look on my qualifications..." still i didn't stop so he literally asked  me to stop.. thus snapping at  me... i kept her mouth shut but not more than 2 seconds and i again started I am sorry sir...

"kuch nahi ho skata tumhara..." and he left me speaking and started checking my qualifications... 

"u can get a better job.. why u wanted to be a PA.."that was the question he asked me.. when I was busy in talking or I can say speaking alone...

" I dont want to be just a PA.. I want to be your PA.." and thats it before I can say anything he stopped me... 

"If u seriously want this job then JUST SHUT UP... " he screamed in anger with a irritated face.. and asked me to wait out.. later when I was alone I was freaking out when his receptionist came and told me that I am not selected.. I sat on the chair dejected.. I dont know why suddenly I was numb and my tears started dripping from my eyes.. I wiped it away and got up i an not going to back out so soon.. i always gets what i want and this too time i will get..i went to his cabin i knocked before entering... this time i didn't smiled neither he did.. he looked irritated with my presence... but I don't care... 

"u said i can get a batter job than just being PA... so why i am not getting this PA job?" I directly asked him the question  for which I am here..

"I have many reasons.."he said ..

" ohk than give me 1 logic reason and I will be out of this cabin... " I replied him.. 

"u speaks too much.. and I don't want anyone near me who speaks so much.. because I want calmness around me not a Bakbak Machine...Now just get out of my cabin.." he said to me looking straight in my eyes.. and from his tone I got that he is angry.. 

"it's not a logical reason... give me a logical reason and I will be out..." i said

 "ohk I can give u this job but on 1 condition..." he replied me

"  all the the conditions are accepted.." i said confidently  first time ever I saw a smirk on his face.. I dont know why he is behaving like this.. he was never this.. or was he.. because it's a first time I am talking with him like this.. I am started thinking that I am don't now anything about him and before I always thought I know everything about him.. 

"if u want to be my PA u had to shut your mouth and stop talking so much.. speak whenever necessary.. if u r with me only open your mouth when some 1 asked u question or u wanted to ask something.. other than this if you open your mouth u will be fired that moment only..u will do what ever u are ask to do and one more thing.. DON'T ever try to interfere in my personal life.. u r here just to help me with my works... "he said the last line making me shiver.. I gulped and nodded my head.. he nodded

"ohk than its final u r my PA from now.."and with that he leave his cabin not before telling me to follow him because I had to join from today only..

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