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"That day I was out with my frendz when I returned home I heard my mom dad fighting. I thought it's just a normal fight until I heard my dad screaming that they made the mistake by bringing me here.. first I thought they are talking about home.. because its not the first time he had said that and i was planning to move away from here but then my mom agreed with my dad saying yes they made a biggest mistake of thier life by bringing me in this WORLD.. it broke my heart I was so broken that I went inside the room to ask for the reason.. what i did that they hate me so much because till the time I remember I was always a good boy who listen to his parents.. I asked them and u know what they said..." a lone tear escape my eyes i wiped my tear but it was not stopping because i was telling them my deepest secret..

"After listening to them the old rd plastered a mask on his face by the profession called as ACTING... they said I am curse to them parth.. when my mom was giving birth to me there was complications... but still she gave me birth at that time she was just 19 they never wanted me but as they were with my grand parents at that time they can't abort me.. but after I came in this world my grand parents died in accident and my parents abounded me at orphanage... all this things ms.leela's mom told me who was at orphanage when my parents left me there she found all about them and took care of me like a mom when my real mom left me.. she told me all this when I went back after leaving me parents saying if they don't want me I also don't want them.... my happy life came crashing down.. I was left behind with my best friend, love and elderly women who brought me up for 5 yrs... I called ishika after leaving my parents when I didn't knew that they left me at orphanage intentionally.. I told her that I broke all my ties with my parents and u know what she did..."

I realised anger building in me.. I was getting angry but I should not and suddenly a pat on my shoulder broke my revive.. I looked at parth and all my anger vanished thinking  I can't get angry on them atleast not here when fault is mine...

"what she did Rd?" Parth asked...

"she dumped me saying that she was with me because of my parent's money and now when I had left them she had nothing to do with me... it broke me parth even more... she too left me.." a sob left my mouth..

"when I had nowhere to go I decide I will go to aryan for tonight and tomorrow I will find job or something for me.. when I reached his apartment I saw a familiar car parked outside.. when I got in with a key which he had given I heard them talking she was there and they were kissing eachother.. like seriously its not even half n hour when she broke up with me and she is already with my best freind.. and aryan what had happened to him.. when I cleared my throat to gain their attention they part and looked at me.. while I was angry..aryan and ishika were laughing on me.. and u know what they said? They said that aryan was with me because he can't stay away from her gf who was ishika... Indirectly they all made me fool by playing with my emotions.. and well they succeed in breaking me.. I am still broken... I was proud on my life with my family frendz and love and one day it went away.. I had none with me I was all alone..."

"I left that place and came back to this orphanage where ms.leela's mom gave me place and made me eat something u know she also made me understand not to sit and cry and do something.. and that was the best advice she gave... because of that advice see where I am.. I am a star... u know that day when I told u that I am jealous of sanyu.. sanyu have u,your chachi which is like a mom, best freind and bhabhi and a loving btother well this was the reason that I am jealous of you"

"I have none on my side.. I am all alone.." and suddenly parth got up and hugged me..

"shut up and dare u tell that u r alone.. I will beat u so hard that u will not be able to speak again..." he groaned... and I hugged him back not wanting to leave him.. and this stubborn tears it's not stopping...

"no i will never because now i have u... I said with a smile still crying...
Saddahaqcontests  pooja919 finally past revealed...

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