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After leaving her at the road I went to orphanage because I was missing my family.. don't think I was missing my parents not at all why the hell i will miss them..I was missing my babies with whom I play.. so yeah I went to them... Not before taking chocolates for them as I had promised them.. I reached there i played and then i gave them chocolates.. I was with them for almost 4 to 5 hours and I feel relaxed after that.. than I bid them bye to go to my house.. yeah house because I leave there alone and my home is orphanage..  I took my car and started driving when I saw one girl walking on a road.. I wouldn't have noticed if she would have not alone on the road with some drunkard..

she was walking when suddenly one of the Boy hold her hand.. as I reached near them I saw her face.. she tried pulling her hand away but was unable to do.. and this scene brings a memory in my mind.. history was repeating itself for me and infront of me... its not a first time I am seeing this scene... it's the second time... the difference is at that time I didn't knew who the girls was but here I know her..and she was none other than sanyukta agarwal... and i seriously dont want things to end up like it did before because last tume when i fought for a girl we both fall in so called love with each other...(note the sarcasm) i called the police and started driving towards them..

whoever i am and however i am.. but i not one of those who will take advantage of anyone and neither i let it happen with others... thats a different story where everybody used me.. and i will keep that story with me or for sometime later but now i had to save her.. i increased the speed of the car and stopped my car right infront of the boy... I opened the door and got out of my car..

"LEAVE her hand.." I said and that boy chuckled like seriously I am not punching his face that doesn't mean he will laugh on my face.. I regret not punching it and I punched his face the next moment when he tried pulling her with him.. his nose started bleeding.. before he can punch me or we started fighting like a hero and villian the police arrives.. and I was glad they came..they arrested that boy along with his frendz and  I turned to Ms. Agarwal but she just said thank u to me and ran...

After what happened with her I would have drop her to her home atleast if she would have stand there to listen me.. I jogged to my car and started following her don't think I am creep or something I just want her to reach her home safe.. she was still running without stopping... she stopped and knock at door I think it's her home.. one boy came out and hugged her and they started talking.. Oh so she live with her boyfreind.. what I had to do? With Who she live.. I took the way to my house when I reached my house I went in and sat on the couch..

what ever happend today was still in mind... I was thinking about the same incident which happened with me 4 years back.. I smiled sadly thinking where it ended.. I dont want one more story to add in my life I already have many... later I slept thinking that is she also doing the same thing which she did 4 years back? But I don't think so.. and why I don't think so i dont know😛
So i hope u r enjoying it and I am not making my joke here with writing I don't know what😅😓
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