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I don't know why but Today I feel like drinking.. last time I was drunk was the time when I left my so called home.. when I lost everything.. so here I am sitting in a bar and drinking as much as I can to stop that feeling which is eating me from in after she had came in my life ... I gulped one after other and started thinking what I was thinking.. I had many questions but none to answer them.. even I can't answer it  myself..here goes the questions..

When i first saw her playing with children why my heart fluttered? When she was going to fall why I feel like to hold her?I was going to give that job to her anyhow because I was damn impressed by her but then why i tested her by saying that she is not selected? Why i always kept on scolding her.. why I thought that parth is her boyfriend? Why it's matters to me? Why when she accidently banged into me I smiled like a love struck? When she hugged me accidently why I felt like to wrap my arms around her and never let her go? Not once but for TWICE 😲😱.. Why i like her bickering and her irritated face? For so much time I was angry on her why? Just because I thought parth is her bf? Why i thought like that? Why i  had asked her to drop her home? Why i was there? Why I was amused when she was singing ohk I know she was not singing for me, was she? Why her room is filled with my pics? Why i felt sad when parth told me that she lost her parents when she was 6? Why i felt jealous when I saw her with her family? Why i felt lonely when parth and Vidushi was manofying her? Why i felt completed when her family gave me the attention which I lacks till now?

Oh yeah i got an answer I am jealous of her.. because she has no money like me but still she is happy with her little family she has a bff who is now her bhabhi she has a chachi who acts like mom to her and most importantly she has a brother who love her more then anything..and what i have? Just money.. why can't I have the happy family.. I chuckled when I remembered about my family.. think as sarcasm or think alcohol is getting on my head.. I am fully drunk and sitting here in a bar laughing like a manic.. suddenly I saw someone standing infront of me and asking me to call my family so that they can take me away.. I laughed I have no family I replied.. any frend? Oh yeah hai na.. my so called frendz who just care about my money..I giggled.. Oh yeah i have 1 who can take me away from here PARTH.. I called him..

"he..hel.. Hello parth?"I said fumbling..

"Rd sir? It's me sanyukta..." she said I smiled dreamily..

"woh i want to talk to parth.."

"ohk I will give him phone but are u drunk?"She replied to my question with her question.. I sighed and said yes.. I can hear her footsteps she was running so fast.. bhai she screamed..and i kept the phone little away from my ear.. later I heard parth's voice from other side..

"Rd? Sanyu told me u r drunk? Where r u? "See he is also asking me questions.. I gave him my address and he said he will be here in 30 mins.. but why I am depending on him..I can go home right? Rd are u mad who will drive the car? And I sat there for the next 30 mins fighting with my mind to go or not? Someone banged his hand on the table I looked at him...

"what the hell r u doing here? And why r u drunk? Here goes another round of questions from parth.. I sighed but didn't replied.. he helped me to stands and he started taking me towards parking where I think he had parked his car.. I hold his hands for the support.. u know parth I got the answers of my questions... I giggled.. what question Rd?  I stopped and said don't ask about question just u had to know the answer ohk.. parth nodded and tried pulling me with him but no i was standing there.. I AM JEALOUS OF U & SANYUKTA.. I said to him in his ears..


Don't u get tired of asking questions? I asked him.. his face palmed and he pulled me towards the car.. when we reached there i saw sanyukta standing there... I ran towards her leaving parth behind..

"u know I am jealous of u.."I said to her..
"why?" Again a question..

"yeyeyey I got my answer I am jealous of sanyukta agarwal..i screamed in the parking lot.. parth pulled me and made me sit in the car and I don't know after that anything because I passed out..
Saddahaqcontests pooja919 had fun with drunk Rd?

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