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I turned and THAP the lady with Ms. K slapped me..tears brimmed in my eyes..

"how dare u? Ha How dare u come here with my son.. he don't deserve u.. u r so low for him..I know u would have played some bitchy games so that he comes to u..u r such a disgusting girl u made my son against me and u r such a..." I heard her saying Rd didnt let her complete as he pulled her back by clutching her arms and came Infront of me... he held my face... wiped my tears

"Is it hurting? there is finger marks I am sorry sanyu..I a..am.. really sorry.. stop crying... he fumbled is it hurting so much?" He asked me and I was shocked I looked him in his eyes and I saw the genuineness his eyes held genuine caring.... he was really worried for me... my cheek was burning from the slap so when Rd touched me there i winced.. and suddenly his caring eyes was ragging with anger he didn't let me answer and just turned around infront of me..

"U r asking her how dare she came here right? I am asking u HOW  DARE U slapped her?" I heard him asking... and suddenly I felt like it's not a drama anymore and I am really his gf and he is really fighting for me...

" how dare u touched her? Try it once more and I will make sure u r killed" he threat her...

"u r calling me your son who told u your are my mom? U just gave me birth u r not my mom.." Rd spat

"like seriously.... Rd u r threating your mom for that bi..." Rd cuts the old man from speaking further

"watch what u say Mr. Shekhawat... she is mine and I didn't gave anybody right to slap her or to say bad about her... I will not tolerate..."i heard him saying...

"u r calling your self my parents infront of everyone did u ever did what parents do? U want me to marry that bitch so that u all can have fun with my money.. don't u dare to think like that.. I will not marry her... so if the drama is over I am going and u Mrs. Shekhawat tell her that u r sorry and ask for her for forgiveness.. because I can't forgive u ever not only for this but for everything u did.." he told them.. he even asked his mom to say sorry to me... but his mom didn't budged nor I thought she will.. Rd held my hands and started going out but he turned..

"u know what I like about her? She says whatever in her heart on my face.. and I appreciate it.." he said first raising his finger at me then at his face.. then he pulled me out with him.. he went to parking to get the car while I was waiting there.. before we can sit in the car and go from there media comes there and surrounded Rd. ... he looked at his parents and his frendz.. and they were smirking.. 

Is this right Mr. Rd that u r dating your PA? The news that she seduced u is it right? She not look like she will seduce u rd but did she? Sir we just got the news that she already have a boyfriend other than u is that right? What did u look in her? We even have pictures with her boyfriend did u saw? Did she left her that boyfriend just to be with u? These were the question I heard from media and it hurts did i really ever seduced him?

I looked at Rd... Rd it hurts more than that slap.. I said only this and started crying..I looked at Rd and he looked at me.. he pushed everyone behind and aside and he walked up to me angrily..

"I AM SORRY..." he just said that and and and kissed me... before i can do anything a tear fall on my cheek it was not me.. I saw tears falling from Rd's eyes he broke apart and joined our forehead

"I am sorry because of me u had to go through so much..I will make everything right.." I nodded... his eyes were closed he was breathing heavily...

"see how disgusting she is..." it broke his revive and he looked behind me to glare Ms.k he turned to reporters..

"I am telling u for the last time watch what u say and what u print about her because she is my gf and soon to be my wife I will not tolerate this... I trust her she will never betray me.. and that person whom u r calling her boyfriend is his brother parth.. who is my great frend and yes they r my biologically parents but I don't think them as my parents  they just gave me birth that's it.. and that girl whom they choose for me.. she is my ex and I am glad she is EX.. because now i have best with me in my arms whom I adore.." Rd spat it on reporters..and looked at me they didn't asked him anything other than me he said it all by himself and dragged with me to his car.. leaving all in daze....
So how it is?
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