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I was being selfish by not giving u all update and reading stories I am sorry for that.. and as compensation I gave long update for u all.. ENJOY..

It's been a week since I got  discharged from hospital.. now I am sitting in hall waiting for the interview of RSS to start.. mark it REPEAT TELECAST as I missed it because I was at hospital... Oh about RSS well he didn't came to see me even for once..it's 2 weeks now from that accident.. I had broken my left leg and arm.. so i am not able to move parth helps me.. well parth told me that last rd was with him before parth came to see me.. where did he went? Did he not care for me? Atleast not like a love but he can care for me like a frend can't he? And why the hell he is bent on MISSION IGNORE SANYUKTA..

"just let me able to walk properly... I will find that Maron and will kill him to death by my own hands.."I said to parth screaming...

"Ahh siso whom are u kidding.. the moment u r gonna see him.. u will be in his arms, crying and complaining.." he yelled back...ahh  how he always know what I am gonna do... he came and sat next to me.. giving me popcorn which I ordered him to make for me😆😆.. advantage of being ill... and the IV started... i turned all my attention to tv... parth also was watching with me..ohh i missed him soo much... suddenly i saw a bracelet in his left wrist which broke my heart and tears started coming out of my eyes..at that moment the ad came and i started sniffing... parth looked at me..

"sshhh...Siso why are u crying? I know u miss him don't worry he will come.." He said to me..

"No parth he will not come he dont love me.. and thats why he is ignoring me... he thinks me as a frend but then too he would have came to talk to me atleast but he didnt.." i cried in his  arms..

"what happened suddenly? Why are saying like that? U two were happy together anyone can see from your faces so what happend now? atleast tell me.." he asked and i told him everything..

"Remember that night when chachi had went out and Rd was at home suddenly u pulled me and him out of the house and asked so to go on a date so that u can have your quality time with your wife..." he nodded sheepishly...
It was night time Rd had came for dinner.. but before we can have our dinner parth pushed us out of the house because he wanted to spend some quality time with Vidushi.. he asked us to go on a walk or to somewhere and we can return to have dinner when it's time.. I rolled my eyes and looked at rd he nodded i went in to bring my my phone and a little bag in my hand..

"have fun guyz.. and only fun.." parth said with teasing smile..

"go in before i change my mind and get in.." i said irritatingly..

"I am taking your car man.. because I can't handle media at this time and with her.." Rd said.. parth nodded..we bid bye to parth and went to his car... we get in and he started driving...

"so where do u wanna go on a date with me?" He asked teasingly..

"are u asking me out? I played along

"No.. well your brother did that for me.. now tell me where u wanna go? He asked

"Somewhere where we can be alone?" I said but it came out like a question

"so aren't we alone now?" Rd replied

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