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Rd pulled me to his car we got in and he started driving the car.... I dont know why but he was still crying..

"Can u call parth for me.. I can't do it because I am driving.."he said I did what he said and called parth..

"sanyu this news.." parth asked me about the news which was airing about I and rd being in a relationship.. like hell it was all over everything...

"parth I will explain it u.." I was telling but Rd asked me to put the call on speaker...

"I did.. parth I am sorry I should have not done that.. I am sorry your sister was insulted because of me.. but I am sorry I really didn't thought they will go to this level.. i had to do that so that the media shuts thier mouth... but I know i should have not crossed my limits I know u hate me now but let me explain once..." Rd said silently crying he was wiping his tears all the time but it was just flowing..

I should be the one to cry but here he is crying and I don't know for what? For me? Why he will cry for u sanyu? My revive was broken by parth's voice

"ohk.. I will let u explain.. meet me at CCD.. in 10 mins and bring sanyu too.." Rd said ohk and we left for CCD... when we reached there parth was already there i went to him and hugged him.. Rd was standing behind me... after comforting me parth broke the hug and went towards Rd.. he didn't move suddenly parth hugged him.. and Rd's head which was bowing low looked up with shock...

"Bro I know what ever u did it have some reasons.. and I trust u.. just let me know the reasons I will not judged u because from the time I saw I know u were broken from inside and u just keep on pretending that u r ohk.. so just tell me the reasons.. I want an explanation and nothing else.. and u know I can't think like a brother now because if I did u will be in a hospital for sure" parth rolled his and left him...Rd nodded

we all sat on a table parth ordered a drink for all of us.. "so start" parth said to rd.. Rd nodded and started telling what happened from the news of rd's marraige with Ms. K to our drama in our office and at their house... he explained it all and never once he blamed me for anything he took all on himself...

"ohk I got it that u did all this drama ALONG with sanyu..." he pressed the word ALONG to let me know that its also my fault.. I looked down in guilt.

"so that u can break your marriage.. but why u had do that infront of your frend? And why your parents don't listen to u? Or we can say why don't U listen to them.." Parth asked him and I raised my hand towards him

"same question bro.. but he didn't replied to me.. "

"I know i should not be telling u this because I had shut it behind in my past..i never ever want to remember... but I had to so I will.. my past is not so amazing..." Rd said

"we are here for u If u want to share u can and if not I understand.."parth said..

"No parth I had to clarify everything... I just can play with any girls dignity.. so let's start with start.."rd looked at us and we nodded...

"I had lived 5 yrs of my life in orphanage... and suddenly one day my mom dad returned asking about me.. they told me that I got lost when I was little.. so they took me back to them.. I was happy that now i also have my family... yeah it was not a dream family where there is no fight and all... there was but still they were my family... I was having a mom,dad my best freind with me to support me.. one day ishika came into my life she was bullied by some people I saved her then and at that moment I fall in love with her.. or that's what I thought... later when I asked her out she said yes to me.. my life was all happy.. I was never into acting.. I liked to stay always truthful and real.... I loved my parents, Aryan and ishika... but one day it changed it all... "he said the last part and looked at us again...
So what happened that day? How it changed it all? Do anyone know😉😂... wait I know and I will let u all know in next update till then have fun.. Saddahaqcontests pooja919

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