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Recape: Rd told that sanyu is his girlfriend..and when sanyu tried going out someone stops her by holding her hand.. X******************************X

I looked at the person.. and who could it would be other than Rd?..

"Sanyu u don't need to be shy and run away from here" he said or we can say he acted😟.. I nodded and went back to my place.. well Mr aryan again laughed.. I seriously need to ask Rd about him being mental? I neared to his ear and whispered..

"Rd is he mad? He is laughing when he should have been praising me..." Rd looked at me with raised eyebrows and a small smile playing on his lips and nodded in NO...

"No sanyu he is not mental" I heard him saying out loud I stopped dead at my place and looked at the him.. did he just said that out LOUD.. I looked at aryan who was glaring at me... I looked down in embarrassment...

"she is your gf? Like seriously Rd your choice is a crap.." it was ms.k and by k doesn't means khanna it means KAMINI..

"Oh u don't need to worry about my choice.. back then it was worst now i am started making good choice.."Rd said in a dhu- tone...

"Rd why r u again and again insulting me infront of her?

"Oh why not after all she is my gf she has a right to know about my past.."Rd replied to her...

"Rd just cut the crap and listen to what we want to say.." aryan said...

"I know what u wanna say this na (that I am sorry Rd... I should have not crossed my limit back then.. I was your bff but still I stabed u on your back... I snatched your gf.. and I am sorry.. I am so a shit) and u rd pointed his fingers at ms.k (I am sorry Rd.. I should have not ditched u.. u were the one for me.. I made a mistake and plz forgive me and let's start with fresh I don't want to be with him and I love u and all..) this is what u wanna say right? But let me tell u I am so done with u both.. I know why u r here just because I am famous the star of bollywood and yes a rich man.."

"And my crush+love too I said in between.. Rd looked at me and i bit my tongue when I realized I said it loud.. a playful smile was on his lips and he turns to them..

"so over all I am man with a future with money and that's Why u all are back in my life.. but don't think I will fall into your so called lovely plan.. I will never... " I looked at Rd and his eyes were on them like he is ready to pounce upon them... the second Rd lost his cool they will be gone.. I said to my self..

"Ishika and Aryan out of my cabin right now and don't u dare to come back here or show me your face u will not be able to show your face to anybody else... mind it" Rd said..

next second they were out of the cabin...by banging the door... I turned to him Rd u said the truth about your choice being a worst seriously out of all the girls in the world u chose a Chipkali to date? Acha hua she left u waise bhi she is not even good for u... I heard him laughing... i am working on my choice and still its not the best one he smirked at me ..  really i was thinking he will be mad but here he is smirking and taunting me?what did he just said i am not the best choice...haww..i just change the topic... now when they had gone and I also helped u answer my questions now I said to rd.. Rd looked at me..

"Who said drama is over?" He asked me with a devilishly smirk...

"ahhh... I know...."

"no u don't know.." he cuts me..

"I still need your help after that u will get all your answers.." he said and asked me to join him.. I followed him till the car then he asked me to get in and we drove towards I don't know where?..later when we reached we get out of the car and went in to the mention... and there i saw Mr. H & Ms. K with 2 more people who called them Rd's parents in an interview.. that means either we r at thier house or they are at Rd's house...

"haha.. I so knew it u all will be here.. after all your going to be daughter in law in your dreams would have told u how I treated her in my office..."Rd said..

"Rd this is how u behave with a girl?" The lady other than ms.K said..

"Oh no Mrs. Shekhawat not at all.. I know how to treat women u can ask her.." Rd said with a pouting face and held my hand lightly...

"aww sanyu don't be shy tell them I respect u.. I treat u well... atleast tell them that I treat u like a freind.."Rd said smiling..

"but why I had to say... it shows from the way u talk to me rd.." I smiled genuinely...

" no sanyu u had to tell them because they never get any respect from me na so they will not believe.. but as u r my gf they will hear u.." Rd said and I turned to say something and THAP... HOW DARE U😠😠...
Only one question..
1)So kisne kisko thappad mara? 😈😈
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