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Here is the next update..

I dont need to turn around to see him.. I know who he is.. how can I not recognise his voice who always scold me but I don't mind it ever.. yes it's was RANDHIR...

"ohk now don't tell me that u don't need any help because I know u need.."he said..

"and why would I will say that when I seriously need to go home because my brother is going crazy at home..." I said the truth..

I turned to look at him and in all the darkness I was still able to see his face.. he nodded and we went to parking... he sat on the driver sit and I on passenger sit.. he stared driving towards my home.. the storm is getting heavier with each passing minutes.. i also saw some broken trees out there..it was a lightening and thundering outside..

I shivered and was chanting that nothing will happen like it did in past.. all will be fine... it is raining so much that we were not able to see the way...  he was driving slowly and everytime when he is unable to see he had to stop the car... the office was only 20 min away from my house but it took us an hour to reach my home.. i was still chanting and i can feel that Rd wass watching me... but he didn't said anything and by that we reached my home.. but wait how he knows the way to my home? Oh sanyu it's not a right time to think... I received parth's call..

"where r u? I am coming just tell me..I can't let u be there alone.." he started asking me..

"bhai I am outside in a car of our house can u come with an umbrella so that I can come in without getting wet.." I said.. making him relax..

"Ohk but wait u don't have car so with whom u are?" He said..

"bhai Rd sir is with me.. he said he will drop me.. and from here he will go to his home.."I said..

"sanyu it's not good to drive so ask him to come here.." parth said..
"but.. " he cut me and said to keep the phone on speaker...I did what he said..

"Rd it's not safe to drive.. because it's almost 8 in night and the storm is also not gonna stop anytime soon.. it's better if u come in and spend the night with us... u had drive from office till here.. and only u know how u had drive till here.. and also u had bring my sister back home safe and sound so it's my responsibility.. so plz come in.." parth gave him a long lecture on call..I know he will accept because I had seen him struggling with the car on the road...

Rd sighed and said one word OHK..he took the car and went to parking as I guide him.. later parth was there to receive us... again Rd' was fuming when he saw parth.. I sometimes think kahi parth ne Rd ko dhoka dekar to vidu se shaadi nahi ki.. Oh God sanyu stop.. it's so gross to think that your brother and your love is gay 😲😱.. I shrugged when I see parth hugging Rd..

"Hello... I am sanyu's brother and finally we will get a time to talk..." parth said and rd was shocked as in like parth had told him that he is gay and interested in him.. Oh my sanyu again.. shut up.. later we went in.. chachi asked us to get changed as we were wet from rain.. I changed when I come out I saw parth standing there facing me back... I ran and hugged him...

"Oh bro I missed u.." i said loudly but i was again getting a feeling that he is not parth..suddenly I heard people laughing.. I left him, turned and find chachi, vidu and PARTH laughing...Oh my my... I turned to find rd standing there in parth's shirt and trouser..
First he was having an irritating look then he too started laughing.. and he was laughing genuinely like when he laughs when he is in orphanage....

"Oh...wo...ah..ohk i am sorry.." i stammered and ran to my room.. but laughing didn't stopped.. I dont know what this night will bring for me...
Hope u liked it..
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