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So here I am sitting all alone in the mall..because my so called BEST Freind ditched me like always so that she can be with her husband.. I am damn bore sitting here alone I already ate 2 burger I don't want anything more.. as I saw the time I know Rd would have left the orphanage because it's almost the time for his event... I looked up from my phone and there i saw Rd coming? What he is doing here? he had to go for his event, why he is here? Wait don't tell me that this the mall where his event is going to happen...

I forgot everything when I saw him wearing a blue denim with light blue shirt.. why I can't get over him.. ohk that's different thing that I don't want to.. and wait he is not alone all the orphanage children is with him and infact ms.leela too.. what are they doing here.. what will he think of me when he will see me here alone.. he will think how rude my bhai and bhabhi are.. so i did the most appropriate thing according to me which was the most un appropriate thing according to the world.. I turned to my left and bend hiding under the table from him.. But why the hell i am hiding I didn't get any reasons but still kept on hiding...

when I saw him leaving from there I got up and I was welcomed by everybody's wired look.. I smiled showing all my teeth and ran from there... I was still running and Damn I bumped into someone.. when I looked up to see who it is.. I saw 1 pair of black eyes looking at me.. the same which belongs to RANDHIR.. Oh my god that means.. and then i realized that I was walking like a blind and bumped into the same person from whom i was hiding..

my mouth was open due to my stupidity.. I placed my hands on my  mouth thus stopping me from doing anymore stupidity and ran from there.. which is also a stupidity... I reached at the far end of the floor so that I am almost Invisible to him.. later I saw him walking to the ground floor when I saw the arrangements there it confirmed my doubts that his event is here.. but why he had brought the orphanage children is what I am thinking about

Thats when I saw him taking the Mic and gathering everybody's attention.. he was telling everyone that how he is so attached to the orphanage... he find solace there.. and they all are his children...I was watching it and I found parth and Vidushi was also there on ground floor... parth had his hand on Vidushi's waist and she had kept her head on his chest and was looking at Rd... parth was having and adorable smile..he was looking at Rd (i think) with admiration.. later I found them laughing at one of vidu's joke.. I was on the first floor so i was not able to listen but I can see them.. later I focused on Rd... he had managed to attract almost everyone.... and few people also came ahead to donate to the orphanage... and respect for him increased in my eyes one more time...

Later the event come to an end with rd buying children thier ice-cream.. I searched for parth and vidu but I didn't find them so I called them.. parth said he is going to parking.. and asked me to come there so I went to the parking where I saw parth with his back facing me.. I shouted and ran to hug him.. he turned but i didn't saw his face because i was busy running... i dont know why but I feel like so i ran.. I hugged him.. but he did not wrapped his arms around my shoulder like he always do.. but I don't care I found solace in his arms.. later I heard parth calling me but wait the sound is coming from behind me.. I broke the hug to find that I was not hugging parth I was hugging RANDHIR..haww what I had done.... as they both were in almost same attire I thought him as Parth... Oh my god sanyu u r so gross..

what he will be thinking of u..parth come and stand next to me.. I whispered a sorry to rd thinking he will forgive me for all that what happened today... parth extended his hands to Rd saying I am sanyu's b... before he can complete Rd cut him and said I don't care.. and went way from there... to his car.. parth looked at him and then at me..

"he is being rude again"... parth said when we started going to our car..

"no what ever happend today anyone would have behaved like this." I said the fact...

"what happend?" He asked and I told him... and he laughed at me.. I think my brother don't love me because tomorrow Rd is gonna kill me😰😨 and here he is laughing...
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