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"But they are your freinds or just freind why u wanna fake things?"i said to rd..

"what ha just frendz.. I effing dated her and the person with him was once my best freind.." his eyes were blazing fire.. i flinched back..

"will u help or u r just going to make my life more hell?" He asked i nodded.. the door once again gets knocked and he asked them to come in...soon they entered... Rd was facing his back to them and his eyes was on fire but when he turned he smiled.. Oh my my he hide his emotions so perfectly...

like REALLY one minute he was angry and the other he is giving his best smile.. Oh hell sanyu how can you forget he is an actor and not just actor but a superstar... he is master in this.. I saw him walking to his chair without greeting them.. he goes and sat on his chair and asked me to come and stand next to him.. I did what he said.. so what bring u here Mr.harshwal and Ms.khanna he asked in his formal tone.. I laughed internally by his formal tone (because I don't have a gut to lough out loud)

"we are here to talk to u about some personal things "Mr. Harshwal said as Ms.khanna glared me.. i smiled big so big that I thought my lips will burst and teeth will be out but nothing that happened I looked at Rd but he didn't turned his gaze from them..

"Sir I think I should leave call me if u need anything.." I said taking his attention he turned to me..

"did I ask you to go? Or did I asked u for your advice? " He asked me playing with a cube in his hands and looked at me when I said nothing.. I nodded my head in NO..

"then shut up and stand here.."he spat.. my reaction was WHAT THE... but I didn't said anything smiled at him and nodded... 

"Rd but we want privacy" that was ms.khanna...

"There is nothing personal to talk atleast not with u two he gave them smile which irk them😈😈 *devil rd* and one more thing why u wanna marry me now suddenly doesn't this piece of shit fulfill your demands?"he asked ms.khanna about Mr.harshwal.. I looked at him with horror in my eyes.. did he just called him shit😲😱 and found him smirking when I saw them I found why because Mr.h oh hell i am not gonna take thier full name again and again let's cut it to small.. so Mr. H was clenching his fist and Ms. K was glaring at Rd...

"Rd u just can't insult us infront of anyone.." ms.k speaks..

"Oh really" was his answer..

"Rd just don't cross the limit" Mr. H screamed..

"I never did aryan it was u who crossed it back and even this time also u r the one who is crossing and mingling in my happy life.."Rd too screamed back... 

so Mr. H or aryan chuckled... my head snapped back to Rd who was glaring him.. I know how it feels when the RSS glare😅...

"Really Rd u think u r happy? Your parents are not with u.. u don't have any frendz and specially your love left u and u call your self happy?" Mr. So called aryan Harshwal asked him.. I soo wanna punch his face but I can't...

soon after that I heard 1 more person chuckling.. when I saw it was Rd... I thought he will be angry because his so called best freind had dig the past.. but to my dismay he is.. my thought was interpreted when I heard Rd  saying...

"who told u my parents left me it was me who left them... who said I don't have frend u wanna know who it is wait.. he picked his phone dialed a number.. and he put the call on speaker... Hello..."he said  

" hey bro?" it was parth's voice I looked at him but he didn't... How are you now?" Parth asked him... and chuckled

"well I am ohk... can I ask u one thing?" He said..

"u don't need to ask.."parth replied ..

"why do u & your sister ask me so much questions?" And he looked at me.. he was smiling genuinely...

"Oh that u know runs in blood"and he was laughing at the other side..

" parth u know why I called u?" Rd asked...

"yeah u were getting bored and my sister would have eaten your head so to chill and u also wanted me to make u laugh because u rarely laughs so that's why.." Rd chuckled...

"exactly u r right bro..." bhai... I disturb them...

"Rd don't tell me all the time phone was on speaker and sanyu is there..." Rd laughed this time and said

"sorry sanyu" and line went dead from other side.. Rd turns towards Mr. H and Ms. K..

"so u heard us right we r bros.."he grinned at them and who told u she left me.. he showed his finger towards ms.k and asked Mr.H...

"she was never with me so how she can leave me... and we'll u wanna meet my love?" They didnt said anything rd turned to me and said meet my Girlfriend...

I was shocked I looked at him and he was pleading me not to say anything I chuckled.. I chuckled seeing his pleading look and he glared.... all eyes was on me and suddenly I was getting nervous..I faked a smile to them... and turned to go when someone hold my hand..
I am back... sorry for being late... it's quite long isn't it? So how is it? Do u liked it?
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