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"What we're u telling yesterday? Why are u jealous of me? And why the hell were u drunk so much yesterday? " I screamed

"Stop screaming.." he screamed...

"tell me or I am gonna scream more louder than this...." its good that his cabin is sound proof so my screams cannot be heard from out.. and i am glad for that..he placed his hands on his ears to protect his ear drums... he nodded his head in NO saying he will not tell.. Oh bloody hell why is he testing me?😠

"I already told u to stay out of my personal life so why r u here asking me questions? " ge asked

"Yeah u said me that but this includes me.. "I replied to his question..

"Did u and your brother had planned all the questions?.. because the same thing he asked me in morning when I got up... in your home.."he said and sighed...

"no we didn't.. it's just that our minds works same.. now don't change the topic and tell me.."I replied..

"what if I say I will not?"

" And why so?"

" Because I don't want to"  he shrugged his shoulder before I can say anything his phone ringed..

"hey don't tell me u called me again just to ask me question.. because I already have many questions today from u and from your beloved sister.." I heard him saying...

"No I want u too watch news right now.." I heard parth because Rd had put the phone on speakers by mistake.. ohk wait Rd replied and on the tv..

Breaking news today we are gonna got a interview of miss harsh vardhan shekhawat and renuka shekhawat... the parents of RANDHIR SINGH SHEKHAWAT..
So mam why did u find to came into lime light now.. when u would have came earlier?
Yes we would have but we chose now... and we didn't came to have limelight.. we are here to announce the marriage of our son. We had chose a girl for him..
Wow mam.. so who is that lucky girl?
She is right here.. there she pointed to a girl.. she is ishika khanna.. she was also Rd's classmate in college.. and rd is close to her.. so we decided to make her our daughter in law.. he switched off the tv and throw the remote away..

"WHAT THE HELL? Who r they to decide whom I want to marry? And why they even come infront of media? Didn't I clearly said them that I don't want them in my life? " I heard Rd screaming...

"rd this news is airing on all news channels and from past 1 hr.." parth said from the other side of the phone.. before i can say anything someone knocked on a door.. the clerk open the door a little..

"sir can I come in.." I heard clerk asking before entering into his cabin.. Rd gave him permission. He came and told him that Mr. Aryan Harshwal with Ms. Ishika khanna are here to meet him... Oh shoot was his reply.. later he asked him to send them in after 5 mins.. he started pacing in his cabin from left to right...

"Now why they are here..argh" he once again screamed but suddenly stopped pacing and looked at me like I am his pray.. I gulped in fear thinking now what I did.. he came Infront of me..

"u wanted to know why I said those things yesterday right?"He asked me and I nodded..

"I will tell u but when I feel like.. but I will tell"he pinched his throat and says

"I promise I will.. but u had to help me now.."

"what help?" I asked...

"u just had to play along with me.. because I want to show them that even when the left me I am happy.. and they are not important in my life.." I heard him..

"but when they r not important why u want to show them then?" I asked getting confused..

"u don't know anything so do just I say will u?" he asked me by being dangerously calm.. I gulped and nodded.. and there was a knock on the door indicating that they had came..
So what help Rd want? Any guesses.. I know i am damn late but forgive me and give me 2 days more after that I will back with my regular updates.. because I want to complete it as soon as possible😅..
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