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Next day parth said he will drop me.. and I was glad because I don't know mein aaj kya kya karne wali ho...but before we left I received Rd's call saying he will be late as he is with children at orphanage.. and I can feel him smiling.. I too smiled and I hope that he will not scold me or doing anything worse.. so i said ohk I will meet u there and then we had to go to office as he has a very important meeting to attend...

first he said he is not going to office he will directly go to shoot.. but when I said it's very important.. he said ohk... so i left with parth.. to meet him at orphanage... I was happy that he had forgot about yesterday and he will not scold me.. when I reached orphanage I didn't find anyone other than ms.leela there.. she said Rd had taken everyone out on a ice-cream treat.. I came out and informed parth he kissed me on my forehead and went away from there.. I turned to find rd standing at a little distance.. and wait what I am seeing.. he is fuming in anger but why? Oh my god kahi yaad to nahi aagaya...😢 abhi thodi der phele he was fine now what happened 😦😲... Rd glared at me and left from there..

later when we reached office Rd called me in and gave me some file asking me to complete it... why I had accepted to do  work.. see now i had doing what people usually do in office without actually joining the office.... and that day I actually got to know what his anger was because whole day he kept on giving me work either in office or shoot.. but he kept glaring me and taunting me like I had done something wrong.. yeah I know i did but he didn't scold me even once for yesterday.. he was showing me his anger for something else..

I dont know what.. till evening he calm down  and he even said me to go home early... I happily packed my stuff and went to wait out because parth is gonna come to pick me... soon I saw parth's car I went and sat inside the car.. when I turned to look at front there again Rd was standing FUMING...why he is fuming soo much today...

I shrugged and parth didn't wanted Rd to insult him.. so he quietly took the car out if the place.. I kept thinking for all the possible reasons about what i did to make him so much angry but didn't came up with anything...

we went back.. and like that only my life was going... I am happy that I am Rd's PA but I don't know why he behaves so different... and when ever I am around parth he just become angrier... now it's almost 6 months I had started working with rd.. and today I am going alone to office because parth is ill and i seriously don't want him to get up from his bed.. so First I met him and then i reached to office YES office because today it's office day not shooting day.. I went in and greet everyone and as usual Rd give me lots of work.. everyone was working when I heard dripping of water on the glass window when I looked out I saw that it was raining.. like wow yeah I know it's rainy season.. I love rains.. it always bring me special feeling..

I opened a window little bit so that I can feel the wind blowing and can listening the sound of rain.. I did my work..little bit was remaining and rain was still pouring from the sky.. and it was raining harder now.. I finished my works as soon as possible so that I can go back home soon.. because the rain was not any more a mare rain it has became a storm... it was raining so much heavily..

It was already 7 in the evening and I really need to reach home before it become worst ... but how? I means the cab service had shut down..I dont have car.. parth can't come..I can't walk back home neither i have any umbrella with me... I am standing at entrance of the office waiting to get some idea.. but I got none.. later I received parth's call asking me where I am.. I told him that I am still at office and all my mates have went away with there vehicles.. I am not getting any cab...

"wait I am coming.." he said..

" no parth u can't.. u can't come out ohk.. already I am stuck and I don't want u to be stuck somewhere... Vidushi and chachi bhi akele reh jayenge then.. I will see what I can do I think I had to spend the night here.. i will let u know just keep your phone with U.. "I said..

I turned in to see if I can wait there.. but it's was all silent and light was also gone.. before i can get anymore in I heard someone calling me and saying that he will drop me home..
So who he is?😆😆😆
Or else who?
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