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Finally after announcing we came back to green room.. I grinned at sanyu and well she blushed😁.. I teased her laughed at her and she got angry on me...

"Ahh how I am gonna face your brother... he will kill me... and now he will act like a protective big bro.. what should I doo now? What happened just it showed that we were not acting parth ko pakka pata lag gaya hoga😅... ahh he will be on his way here.." I said to distract her from her anger but the moment I ended my last sentence the door opened and there came her bro aka parth..

he came and hugged me so tightly that I was not able to breath..I think he is chosen this way to kill me.. I started coughing.. soon I hear sanyu's voice..

"parth leave him.. he is not able to breath.." to my goodness parth let me go.. I looked at her thankfully.. she handed me a glass of water.. I drank it in a one gulp and look at parth.. he was grinning... and here I thought he is trying to kill me..

"What?" I asked him... but he doesn't care to reply me and hugged sanyu.. her condition was also like me.. but he soon left her.. she catched her breath and said..

"U know your love will kill us one day.." she said pouting.. not cute wala pouting but irritate wala 😂😂...

"Oh... now u both don't need my love ha.. u both are selfish.." he spat at us.. we both looked at each other and burst into laughing soon he too joined us..

"But I want a proper explanation for what u both did on stage.." he speaks getting serious.. and keeping his each arms on both of us.. ohk we both said in union.. and we left with him to thier house as my today's dinner is with them... at home we ate dinner and we told everything to parth..

"Bro i asked u to make her your frend but u made her your gf..." and he laughed...I thought he will be angry but he was happy... for me? OF COURSE... now I am laying on my bed and thinking about the last month.. whole month I was happy..never i have been happier this much.. After that dinner my life changed and I can say it changed for good because now i never feel alone or left out.. because I have parth and sanyu and if not them I go to thier house to meet aunty.. well her food tastes soo good..yumm.. I and sanyu are not like a normal couple.. we didn't go to dates and do like thing normal couple do in a relationship... well we have dinners together but TOGETHER means with her family 😂.. funny na but I liked spending time with them.. she never asked me to buy her anything.. most importantly she never asked me take her to SHOPPING, MOVIE and all.. she asked me too watch my interviews with her..like really😂 when she can watch me she wants to watch me on TV.. I smiled thinking about her... my thoughts were disturbed by the ringing of my call.. I picked up and saw the caller Id.. the smile which was on my face got more big.. I turned on my bed and now I was laying on my stomach..

S:hi... how are u?
Rd: sanyu one hour ago I was at your home.. how was I looking? Didn't I looked fine?
S: ah.. i know u r fine..
S:ohk i will tell u straightly..it's just I wanted to listen to u so i called.. I chuckled listening to her confession..
Rd: ohk...
S:what ohk.. I called u to hear u.. so make some effort and talk to me.. stop giving me one word replies... she said and I can imagine her pouting... I giggled..
Rd: Then u should have played any of my interview to hear me u don't need to call me..
S: ha that interview wala Rd can talk to me right? She said sarcastically..
Rd: awww sanyu stop being sarcastic.. Tell me na u already miss me..
S: ha to when did I said I don't..
Rd: sanyu why r u so straight forward?
S:someone told me that I say what I feel and he love that.. so i am just making him love me more..
Rd: oh and who is that? I asked to tease her..
S:U.. chalo bus hogaya abh soo jao good night..
Rd:Good night.. I ended the call.. and thats what my life had become to tease her..

see her blush and smile.. again my call ringed I saw the caller I'd and clenched my hand they are still behind me can't they just let me go.. I received the call..

"what? Can't u just let me be in peace.. I said I don't want to be with u all.. just get that straight in your mind... wait u will not do anything to her.. i will leave her but mark my words I will not come back to u.." and with this i cut the call I messaged sanyu saying to meet me at CCD at 12 in noon... and as I said I was there..I think for the last time with her.. soon I saw her crossing the road... and the next moment car hit her... I ran out of the cafe as soon as possible to see crowd near her.. i saw her in pool of blood.. I did what most people forgets when they see there loved one in Pool of blood..I CALLED AMBULANCE.. Man i cant go and cry when she is dieing I went near her..

"Sanyu u need to keep your eyes open..  for me.. u can't close them.."she was in pool of blood but then too she nodded but she fell unconscious the next moment.. I shake her to wake her up but it didn't effect her soon ambulance came and took her to the hospital I informed parth about sanyu and rushed with her... later doctor said that she is out of danger but unconscious.. I waited there for whole one day for her to open her eyes.. parth asked me to go home but I didn't moved an inch from my place.. it is all my fault.. I bought her in this mess.. next Morning nurse came and told us that she had opened her eyes..

"See I told u... she will be fine but she is gonna get scolding from me.. can't she see and cross the road.." parth patted my back...

"She did.. but car came suddenly.."

"ohk let's go and see her.." parth said

U go.. he left thinking I will join them soon.. i got up and left the hospital.. I didn't went to see her because I will not able to say for what I was here infact I will say something opposite which i cant.. soo I left her alone.. I left her alone in PAIN..
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