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After he asked me to follow him we are here at a charity event which is organized by his associates.. in a car we decided the schedule for whole week.. so that he don't have to be worry about anything.. and suddenly his behaviour changed.. the time he came to face the camera his face have that most adorable smile which I love.. the time when he was giving speech on stage his face was having that smile.. he even introduced me to everyone saying that she is my PA.. so that no one thinks that he is dating me... typical news channels they just want news.. so he thought to be extra conscious... whenever I was with him..during the event I tried my best to shut my mouth but sometimes I just went with flow and sometimes I kept quite... that's different thing that every time I started talking he glared me to shut my mouth... I dont know what is his problem with me speaking.. like seriously I am not talking to u nor I am talking about u.. so whats the problem with him.. but never mind I can't tell him that.. because either he will be more angry than he is now or he will directly fire me..and I don't want any of them to happen...I dont know why he is being khadus to me😕😑..yeah I know he is strict with his employs but he is arrogant with me.. after the event.. when we were in the car he stopped the car suddenly...

"u can go now i dont have any schedule so I am going home.."he said to me or he indirectly asked me get out of his car so I nodded and get out of the car... atleast I thought he will drop me.. sanyu really whom r u kidding he is a star and why the hell he will drop u? Soon the car went away from where I was standing leaving me alone.. then i thought to call parth but when I saw the time it was still 5'o clock in the evening so I thought to take a walk to home as It was just 15 mins walk away.. I started walking in the same direction in which RSS went because that's the way of my home😛... I was walking alone on the road.. when I reached the orphanage which is on my way home.. I was having much time so I thought to go and play with the Children but when I reached THE GREAT RSS was already there.. and what he said to me that he is going home ha.. why u always forget sanyu that this is his home according to him.. I was watching them I can see how he was smiling like literally genuinely smiling not that fake smile which he gives to his employs or to his associates... and that smile it directly hit my heart.. and  I stands their watching them playing.. he was blind folded so he was unable to see..  I was still standing there drooling over him..when ms.leela came and said me hi.. I replied to her hi and again engrossed my self watching him.. he was going to remove his blind fold when I ran inside so that he can't see me.. when I was at safe distance I stopped and saw ms.leela following me.. I talked with her a little and gave her some money so that she can buy any necessary items.. I tiptoed towards the area where they were playing I  reached to find rd nowhere.. then he came back from the gate with bag in his hands.. I was looking at him when he was disturbing chocolates to everyone... how can be some 1 so down to earth sometime and arrogant at other times.. I think he has a splits personality disorder... Oh God sanyu stop thinking the things which are impossible.. I took a chair and sat behind a tree watching them.. like that hours passed I was still sitting where I was and he was still playing and talking with children.. when I watch the time it was 9'o clock.. I hurriedly got up because now parth is not gonna leave me.. I Also didn't informed him.. I dialed his number he picked up the call in 1 ring..
"parth I was at orphanage and now I am coming back so don't worry.. nd chill" I said to him and he sighed in relief.. Ohk was the thing he said before ending the call.. I started walking towards home.. on my way I found some Boyz drunk and sitting on a car's front...

"Are wah kya rapchik maal hai re.." they commented on me.. but I ignored them.. because neither it's right time to fight nor the right place and also they were not in their sense.. but one of boy holds my hand I stared pulling my hands from his grip but it was damn tight.. and he started pulling me with him.. but before he can go ahead with me 1 car came and halted right infront of us..
So who came to the rescue any guesses?
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