Chapter 10

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The Doctor and I went home to watch the news about Big Ben being destroyed by the spaceship. Aunt Jackie walked in with a cup of tea for me and Rose as Uncle Pete sat on his arm chair. The living room became full of family.

I was sitting at Rose's feet as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "I can't believe that an actual alien ship," She whispered to me. "Trust me. I've seen weirder things," I replied, making her look at me with a small frown but I just gave her a small smile before turning back to the TV.


After a little while, it got dark outside. I looked over at The Doctor as he got up. He walked outside and I quickly followed him. "Where you're going?" I asked, making him turned to me. "Nowhere," He replied, "It's just a bit human in there for me. History just happened and they're talking about where you can buy dodgy top-up cards for half price. I'm off on a wander, that's all."

"Right. There's a spaceship on the Thames and you're just wandering," I said. "Nothing to do with me. It's not an invasion. That was a genuine crash landing. Angle of descent, colour of smoke, everything. It's perfect," He said.

"Why? Does it matter?" I asked. "Maybe this is it," He said, "First contact. The day mankind officially comes into contact with an alien race. I'm not interfering because you've got to handle this on your own. That's when the human race finally grows up. Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay. Now you can expand. You don't need me. Go and celebrate history. Spend some time with your family."

I bit my lip and hesitated, "Promise you won't disappear?" I asked. The Doctor stared at me for a few seconds before feeling for his pockets. "Tell you what," He started and pulled out a key, "TARDIS key. It's about time you had one." He gave me the key, "See you later." With that he turned around and walked off. I smiled slightly and walked back inside.

I sat down on the couch with Rose and looked at my new key. I smiled again as I stared at it. "So Sammy, tell me," Rose started, making me look at her, "Who exactly this Doctor?"

"Well --"

I was cut off by the door being opened and we all looked over to see it was Mickey. "Hey," I said, giving a small shyly smile to him but he just gave me a look. "Someone owes Mickey an apology," One of the family member said.

I opened my mouth but Rose stopped me, "Not you," She said softly and we all looked at my Aunt. "It's not my fault. Be fair. What was I supposed to think?" Aunt Jackie said. Mickey walked into the kitchen and I followed.

"You disappear, who do they turn to? Your best friend. Five times I was taken in for questioning. Five times. No evidence. Course, there couldn't be, could there? And then I get her, your Aunt, whispering around the estate, pointing the finger. Stuff through my letterbox, and all 'cause of you," Mickey said.

"I didn't think I'd be gone so long," I said. "And I waited for you, Sam. 12 months, waiting for my best friend and The Doctor to come back," He said. Right then, Uncle Pete, Aunt Jackie and Rose walked in the kitchen. "Hold on, you knew about the Doctor?" Uncle Pete asked, "Why didn't you tell us then?"

"Yeah," Mickey said as he shut the serving hatch and the door. "Yeah. Why not, Sam? Huh? How could I tell them where you went?"

"Tell us now," Aunt Jackie demanded. "I might as well, 'cause you're stuck here. The Doctor's gone. Just now. That box thing just faded away," Mickey said. "What do you mean?" I asked, frowning.

"He left you. Some boyfriend he turned out to be," Mickey said. "No, he didn't . . ." I trailed off before running out of the kitchen and walked out of the apartment, with Rose and Mickey following.

"Sammy, wait," Rose called before we stopped at the spot that the TARDIS was supposed to be. "Huh," Rose said, looking around. "I thought there was a box here."

"Oooh, there was," Mickey agreed. "But the blue box is gone now." Rose had the most confused look on her face, "A blue box?" She asked. "It was a time machine. It's called the TARDIS," I explained.

"Okay then. That doesn't sound crazy at all," Rose said sarcastically and I sighed. "You just saw him leave?" I asked Mickey. "Yep. The box faded away. He's dumped you Sam. Sailed off into space. How does it feel? Now you are left behind with the rest of us Earthlings. Get used to it," He said.

"He would've told me he was leaving," I said but couldn't help but feel sad and disappointed. "What's going on? What's this Doctor done now?" We heard Aunt Jackie's voice and slightly turned to the side to see her and Uncle Pete walking over.

"He's vamoosed," Mickey said. I rolled my eyes as I turned back to face him, "He's not, because he gave me this," I said, showing them the TARDIS key, "And he's not my boyfriend. He's better than that. He's much more important than."

The key started to glow and I heard the familiar noise of the TARDIS. "Uncle Pete, Aunt Jackie, please go inside," I said, but they just stood there. "Rose, please go inside," I said. "I'm staying here," Rose said.

The TARDIS appeared and I turned back to see my Uncle, Aunt and Rose, staring at the TARDIS with wide eyes. "What the . . ." Uncle Pete trailed off. "Oh man," I muttered before walking towards the TARDIS. I unlocked the door and walked in to see The Doctor was standing at the console.

"All right, so I lied. I went and had a look. But the whole crash landing's a fake. I thought so. Just too perfect. I mean, hitting Big Ben. Come on, so I thought let's go and have a look," The Doctor said. "My family are here," I said.

We turned as Uncle Pete, Aunt Jackie, Rose and Mickey walked in. "Oh, that's just what I need. Don't you dare make this place domestic," The Doctor said, pointing at me. "You ruined my life, Doctor. They thought she was dead. I was a murder suspect because of you," Mickey said. "You see what I mean? Domestic," The Doctor told me.

"I bet you don't even remember my name," Mickey said. "Ricky," The Doctor said. "It's Mickey," Mickey said. "No, it's Ricky," The Doctor said. "I think I know my own name," Mickey said. "You think you know your own name? How stupid are you?" The Doctor asked.

Uncle Pete headed outside and Aunt Jackie followed him but Rose stayed put. "Uncle Pete, Aunt Jackie," I called, "Rose, keep an eye on these two." Rose nodded in response and I followed my Uncle and Aunt.

"Guys, it's not like that," I said, but they just went up to the apartment. I sighed and went back into the TARDIS, "That was a real spaceship?" I asked. "Yep," The Doctor said.

"So it's all a pack of lies? What is it, then? Are they invading?" I asked. "Funny way to invade, putting the world on red alert," Mickey said. "Good point. So, what're they up to?" The Doctor asked before we looked at the screen. I glanced over my shoulder to see Rose walking up to us. She put her hand on mine and we looked back at the screen.

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