Chapter 22

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After seeing my Dad died and The Doctor took me back home to see my family, he thought we should stay for a little while with them. I was glad for that, because I really felt that I wanted to see them.

"Aunt Jackie, it's been a week, I really think that The Doctor and I stayed long enough," I said as I placed my bag on my bed. "Just for one more week," Aunt Jackie begged as she sat on my bed, "You can ask The Doctor for just one more week."

"He isn't the guy to stay for so long. It's lucky that he even stayed here for so long," I said. "A week isn't long," She protested. "For him it is," I said. She got up, "But --"

"Are you ready to go?" Uncle Pete asked as he walked inside the room. "Yeah," I said. "I'm surprise he agreed to stay at the first place," He said. I smiled, "Yeah, you and me both."

"Looked to me you needed to stay for a little while," He said. "Yeah, I did," I said. "I'm glad he thought we should stay."

"You can just ask one more week," Aunt Jackie whined. "Aunt Jackie, we talked about this," I said, sighing. "You have rights," She complained. Uncle Pete and I scoffed as Rose walked in, "The Doctor saying that you two should get going now," She informed. I sighed sadly but nodded before grabbing my bag and we all walked out.

We walked out of the building towards The Doctor and Mickey, who were both standing by the TARDIS. "Ready to go?" The Doctor asked me. "Yeah," I said before hugging Mickey tightly. "It's a shame you have to go again so fast," He said as we pulled away.

"You see? It's to fast. You need to stay one more week," Aunt Jackie said. I rolled my eyes before hugging Rose, "Take care," She said. "I will," I said as we pulled away and then I hugged Uncle Pete and Aunt Jackie. I pulled away from them and followed The Doctor into the TARDIS. "Bye, guys," I said before closing the door.

I sighed as The Doctor started the TARDIS and pulled a lever. "Thanks again," I said. "I really needed to see them." He smiled, "You're welcome," He said. Suddenly the TARDIS shook for a moment before stopping.

"What's going on?" I asked as The Doctor looked at the screen, "It's mauve," He said. "Mauve?" I repeated. "The universally recognized colour for danger," He explained. "What happened to red?" I asked with a frown.

"That's just humans. By everyone else's standards, red's camp. Oh, the misunderstandings. All those red alerts, all that dancing. It's got a very basic flight computer. I've hacked in, slaved the TARDIS. Where it goes, we go," The Doctor said. "That's safe, right?" I asked.

"Totally," He said. Then a spark came from the console and I yelped. "Okay, reasonably," He said, "Should have said reasonably there." The TARDIS continued to shake. "No, no, no, no! It's jumping time tracks, getting away from us."

"What exactly is this thing?" I asked. "No idea," The Doctor said. "Why are we chasing it?" I asked. "It's mauve and dangerous, and about thirty seconds from the centre of London," He said before stopping the TARDIS.

He walked to the doors and I followed him. We walked outside to see we were in an alleyway at night time. "Wow, night time already? I just woke up about two hours ago," I commented. "That's the beauty of the TARDIS," The Doctor said, "Do you know how long you can knock around space without happening to bump into Earth?"

"Um . . . Five days," I said. "Must have come down somewhere quite close. Within a mile, anyway. And it can't have been more than a few weeks ago. Maybe a month," He said. "A month?" I repeated in disbelief, "But we were right behind it."

"It was jumping time tracks all over the place. We're bound to be a little bit out. Do you want to drive?" He asked. "Yeah. How much is a little?" I asked. "A bit," He said. "Exactly a bit," I said. "Ish," He replied.

I sighed and looked around, "What's the plan, then? Are you going to do a scan for alien tech or something?" I asked before we started to walk off. "Sam, it hit the middle of London with a very loud bang. I'm going to ask," He said and took out his psychic paper.

I took it and read, "Doctor John Smith, Ministry of Asteroids," I read. "It's psychic paper," The Doctor said, "It tells you --"

"Whatever you want it to tell me, I remember," I said as we walked up to a door. "Sorry," He said. "Not very Spock, is it," I commented as he listened through the door. "Door, music, people. What do you think?" He asked.

"I think you should do a scan for alien tech," I said. He started scanning the door with the Sonic Screwdriver, and looked at me with a frown, "Are you sure about that t-shirt?" He asked and I glanced down at my Union Flag top, and shrugged as I looked back at him. "I'm taking it out for a spin," I replied and he nodded.

"Mummy? Mummy?"

I looked around when I heard a voice of a child. I glanced back at The Doctor as he got the door opened. "Come on if you're coming. It won't take a minute," He said and went inside. "Mummy?" The child's voice called again.

I looked back around and noticed a child on the roof. "Doctor, there's a kid up there," I informed before walking in the direction towards the child. "Are you all right up there?" I called. "Mummy?" He called and I climbed up the set of stairs.

I got to the roof and saw the child staring at me, wearing a gas mask. "Mummy?" He called out again. "Okay. Don't move," I said. There was a rope dangling in front of me so I grabbed it and started to climb up the wall. "Mummy. Balloon," The child said.

The rope was hanging off a blimp and it started to move, and I hold into the rope tightly. "Doctor! Doctor! Doctor!" I called. I watched as planes heading in my direction and I hold on tightly as some planes were zooming under me. "Maybe I shouldn't not wear this t-shirt," I muttered to myself.

My hands slipped of the rope and I started to scream as I fell. All of a sudden, something blue beam caught me, "I've got you," A man's voice said. "Who's got me? And how?" I asked. "I'm just programming your descent pattern. Keep as still as you can and keep your hands and feet inside the light field," The man said.

"Descent pattern?" I repeated. "Oh, and could you switch off your cell phone? It interferes with my instrument," He said. "You know, no one ever believes that," I said as I turned my phone off. "Thank you," He said, "I'll be with you in a moment."

I suddenly started falling while remaining in the light field and then fell straight into a man's arms. "I've got you. You're fine, you're just fine," The man said, "The tractor beam, it can scramble your head just a little."

I let out a small moan with a frown and looked at the man. He looks good I thought. "Hello," I said. "Hello. Are you all right?" He asked. "I'm fine," I said and he put me down gently, "I'm fine. It's not like I'm going to faint."

"You look a little dizzy," He said. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said before I fainted.

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