Chapter 11

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The Doctor was below the console with Mickey while I was sitting on the stairs with Rose. "So this is where you've been for the past year," Rose said and I nodded slowly. "You weren't scared, were you?" She asked, worried. I shook my head, "Not really."

She smiled slightly, nodding a little. "You could come with us. It's a lot of fun," I said. She smiled again, "Maybe. I'd like that," She said and I smiled back before looking over to see Mickey walking up to us.

"Some friend you've got," Mickey said, nodding to The Doctor. I smiled, "He's winding you up. And you know I am sorry," I said, looking between him and Rose. "It's okay," Mickey said.

I stared between him and Rose, "Are you two okay?" I asked. They exchanged a glance before looking down. "Well, um," Rose started, clearing her throat. "After you disappeared . . . Mum didn't want us to stay together 'cause she thought he, you know, killed you or something close to that. Dad almost killed him after she said that you probably died."

"So you two broken up?" I asked sadly. "Yeah," Mickey said. "I'm sorry," I said. "I never meant for all of this to happen."

"We know, it's okay," Rose said, grabbing my hand. "But now you guys know I'm okay. So . . . You two can go back together, right?" I asked. "You two have to." Rose and Mickey smiled a little and I smirked, "Come on, don't be Romeo and Juliet."

Mickey smirked before it slowly faded, "So, now that you've come back, are you going to stay?" He asked. I bit my lip, "I-I don't know," I admitted before there was a faint shocking sound. "Got it! Ha, ha! Patched in the radar, looped it back 12 hours so we can follow the flight of that spaceship. Here we go," The Doctor said before the three of us walked towards him, "Hold on. Come on." We watched the screen to see there was a moving dot.

"That's the spaceship on its way to Earth, see? Except. Hold on. See?" The Doctor said. The dot moved back again, "The spaceship did a sling shot round the Earth before it landed."

"What does that mean?" I asked. "It came from Earth in the first place. It went up and came back down. Whoever those aliens are, they haven't just arrived, they've been here for a while," He explained, "The question is, what have they been doing?" He started flipping through news channels.

"How many channels do you get?" Mickey asked. "All the basic packages," The Doctor said. "You get sports channels?" Mickey asked. "Yes, I get the football. Hold on, I know that one," The Doctor said, motioning towards the screen. "UNIT. United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. Good people."

"How do you know them?" I asked. "He's worked for them," Mickey said, "Oh yeah, don't think I sat on my backside for 12 months, Doctor. I read up on you." He looked at me and Rose, "You look deep enough on the Internet or in the history books, and there's his name, followed by a list of the dead."

"That's nice. Good boy, Ricky," The Doctor said. "If you know them, why don't you go and help?" Rose asked. "They wouldn't recognize me. I've changed a lot since the old days. Besides, the world's on a knife-edge. There's aliens out there and fake aliens. We want to keep this alien out of the mix. We're going undercover. And um, I'd better keep the TARDIS out of sight," The Doctor said as he began pressing buttons and switches on the console. "Ricky, you've got a car, you can do some driving."

"Where to?" Mickey asked. "The roads are clearing. Let's go and have a look at that spaceship," The Doctor said before we all walked out of the TARDIS.

Suddenly, there was a helicopter in the air, shinning lights on us. "Do not move! Step away from the box and raise your hands above your heads," A man voice called. There were police cars and army vehicles surrounding us. Mickey started running away but Rose stayed. "Rose, you have to go," I said.

"No, I'm not going," Rose said. "Go," I said, she hesitated but followed Mickey. Aunt Jackie and Uncle Pete ran outside and the army people wouldn't let them get closer to me. "Raise your hands above your head. You are under arrest," The man called. The Doctor grabbed my hand and we put our arms up. "Take me to your leader," The Doctor said.

They led us to a police car and we climbed in. "Well, if I knew it was going to be like this, being arrested, I would have done it sooner," I said. "We're not being arrested, we're being escorted," The Doctor. "Where to?" I asked as the car started to drive.

"Where'd you think? Downing Street," He said with a smile. "What? You're kidding," I said. "I'm not," He said. "10 Downing Street?" I asked. The Doctor nodded, "That's the one," He said. "Why?" I asked. "I hate to say it, but Mickey was right. Over the years I've visited this planet a lot of times, and I've been, um, noticed," He said.

"And now they need you," I said. "Like it said on the news. They're gathering experts in alien knowledge. And who's the biggest expert of the lot?" The Doctor asked. "Patrick Moore," I said.

"Better then him," The Doctor said. "Don't you just love it," I said with a smile. "I'm telling you, Sam. Lloyd George, he used to drink me under the table," He said, "Who's the Prime Minister now?"

"How should I know? I missed a year," I pointed out. "Thanks to you." He smiled, "You're welcome." I smirked, shaking my head.

It didn't took long for the car to pull up. We climbed out and saw that there were a whole bunch of people with cameras. The Doctor started walking and I followed. We waited for a few minutes and a man walked in carrying ID cards. He handed one to The Doctor, "I'm sorry, your companion doesn't have clearance."

"I don't go anywhere without her," The Doctor said. "You're the code nine, not her. I'm sorry, Doctor. It is the Doctor, isn't it? She'll have to stay outside," The man said.

"She's staying with me," The Doctor said. "Look, even I don't have clearance to go in there. I can't let her in and that's a fact," The man said. "It's all right. You go," I said. "Excuse me. Are you the Doctor?" A woman asked before the man turned to her and they started to have a small argue as they took a few steps away from us.

"You sure?" The Doctor asked me and I nodded. "Don't get into any trouble," He said. I smiled, nodding again. "You too," I said and he smiled before he walked into the room. The man walked back to me, "I'm going to have to leave you with security," He said.

"It's all right. I'll look after her. Let me be of some use," The woman said before wrapping an arm around my shoulder, "Walk with me. Just keep walking." We started to walk away, "That's right. Don't look round. Harriet Jones, MP Flydale North. This friend of yours, he's an expert, is that right? He knows about aliens?"

"Um, yeah. Why do you want to know?" I asked. The woman, Harriet started crying and I touched her arms, "Hey, it's okay." She explained to me what happened and led me into the Cabinet room, "They turned the body into a suit. A disguise for the thing inside," Harriet said.

"It's all right. I believe you. It's alien. They must have some serious technology behind this. If we could find it, we could use it," I said before starting to look around the room. I opened a cabined and a man's body fall out, "Oh, my God. Is that the --"

The man from before walked in, "Harriet, for God's sake. This has gone beyond a joke. You cannot just wander --" He stooped talking as he noticed the body. "Oh, my God. That's the Prime Minister."

A woman walking into the room, "Has someone been naughty?" She asked. "That's impossible. He left this afternoon. The Prime Minister left Downing Street. He was driven away," The man said. "And who told you that, hmm? Me," The woman said.

She touched her forehead and started to unzip it, pulling the skin off of her body. It turned into a weird green looking alien underneath. "We are the Slitheen," The alien said before it picked the man up. Where's The Doctor when you need him? I thought.

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