Chapter 29

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After eating pizza, Mickey and I walked around with our arms linked. "The Doctor took me to this planet a while back," I said, "It was much colder than this. They called it Woman Wept. The planet was actually called Woman Wept, because if you looked at it, right, from above, there's like this huge continent, like all curved round. It sort of looked like a woman, you know, lamenting. Oh my God, and we went to this beach, right. No people, no buildings, just this beach like a thousand miles across. And something had happened, something to do with the sun, I don't know, but the sea had just frozen. In a split second, in the middle of a storm, right, waves and foam, just frozen, all the way out to the horizon. Midnight, right, we walk underneath these waves a hundred feet tall, made of ice."

Mickey laughed, shaking his head, "You had a lots of fun, I see," He said and I giggled. I was about to say something but then there was a rumbling sound. "Is that thunder?" I asked my best friend. "Does it matter?" He asked, shrugging. "That's not thunder," I muttered as we stopped. Just above us, a lamp post sparked, making us both to step back.

"Mickey, we have to go back to the TARDIS," I said before grabbing his arm and we ran away, heading back to the TARDIS. We stopped when we saw a light just above it. That what was causing the chaos. "Come on," Mickey said before we rushed into the TARDIS. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Oh, just little me," Margaret said before she slipped off the human arm and she grabbed me by the throat. "Sam!" Mickey called as The Doctor took a step forward. "One wrong move and she snaps like a promise," Margaret warned. "I might've known," The Doctor said. "I've had you bleating all night, poor baby, now shut it," She said before looking at Jack, "You, fly boy, put the extrapolator at my feet."

Margaret tightened her grip on my neck, making me gasp. Mickey and Jack looked at The Doctor. He stared at me and I shook my head slightly but he then looked at Jack and nodded. Jack placed the extrapolator closer to Margaret. "Thank you. Just as I planned," She said. "I thought you needed to blow up the nuclear power station," Mickey said.

"Failing that, if I were to be arrested, then anyone capable of tracking me down would have considerable technology of their own. Therefore, they would be captivated by the extrapolator. Especially a magpie mind like yours, Doctor. So the extrapolator was programmed to go to plan B. To lock onto the nearest alien power source and open the rift. And what a power source it found. I'm back on schedule, thanks to you," Margaret said.

"The rift's going to convulse. You'll destroy the whole planet," Jack said. "And you with it," Margaret said and she held me out, making the three men take a step forwards but stopped when she tightened her grip on me again, and I was struggling to get free. "While I ride this board over the crest of the inferno all the way to freedom. Stand back, boys. Surf's up," Margaret said.

The console door opened and a bright light came out. "Of course, opening the rift means you'll pull this ship apart," The Doctor said. "So sue me," Margaret said. "It's not just any old power source. It's the TARDIS. My TARDIS. The best ship in the universe," The Doctor said. "It'll make wonderful scrap," Margaret said.

"What's that light?" Mickey asked. "The heart of the TARDIS. This ship's alive. You've opened its soul," The Doctor said. "It's so bright," Margaret breathed out. "Look at it, Margaret," The Doctor said. "Beautiful," Margaret breathed out.

"Look inside, Blon Fel Fotch. Look at the light," The Doctor said. Margaret's grip loosened on me suddenly and I coughed, trying to breath again. I was pulled away and saw it was Mickey so I hugged him tightly which he returned. "It's okay," He said quietly.

"Thank you," I heard Margaret saying and we looked over to see her disappearing, leaving the skin of the body behind. "Don't look. Stay there. Close your eyes!" The Doctor said and we all did what he said.

We all opened our eyes when The Doctor closed the console. "Now, Jack, come on, shut it all down. Shut down! Sam, that panel over there, turn all the switches to the right." We did as we were told and everything went back to normal.

"Nicely done. Thank you, all," The Doctor said, patting my shoulder. "What happened to Margaret?" I asked, clearing my throat. "Must've got burnt up. Carried out her own death sentence," Jack said. "No, I don't think she's dead," The Doctor said.

"Then where'd she go?" Mickey asked. "She looked into the heart of the TARDIS. Even I don't know how strong that is. And the ship's telepathic, like I told you, Sam. Gets inside your head. Translates alien languages. Maybe the raw energy can translate all sorts of thoughts," The Doctor said and picked up an egg from where Margaret stood, "Here she is."

"She's an egg?" I asked. "Regressed to her childhood," The Doctor said. "But she's an egg," I said. "She can start again. Live her life from scratch. If we take her home, give her to a different family, tell them to bring her up properly, she might be all right!" The Doctor said.

"Or she might be worse," Jack said. "That's her choice," The Doctor said. "She's an egg," I said. "She's an egg," The Doctor confirmed, nodding. I exchanged a frown with Mickey but we shrugged it off.

"So now, we're all powered up. We can leave. Opening the rift filled us up with energy," The Doctor said. "So, I'll better be off then," Mickey said and turned to me, "You'll be okay?"

I smiled at my best friend and nodded, "Yeah," I said before we hugged. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" We pulled away and he shook his head, "I should go. See you soon," He said and I nodded sadly.

"See you soon," I said. "See ya, Ricky boy," The Doctor said, waving with a grin. "It's Mickey," Mickey corrected, rolling his eyes but smirked before pointing at him and Jack, "If everything happens to her, her Aunt will hunt you two down no matter where you'll go."

I giggled while The Doctor and Jack nodded. The Doctor turned to Jack, "He isn't joking, you know," He told him and Jack's smirk faded away. Mickey smirked again, "See ya," He said before patting my back softly and then walking out of the TARDIS.

"Off we go, then. Always moving on," The Doctor said. "Next stop, Raxacoricofallapatorius. Now you don't often get to say that," Jack said. "We'll just stop by and pop her in the hatchery," The Doctor said. "Margaret the Slitheen can live her life again. A second chance."

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