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            The car ride back to Mimi's house was subzero and when Yoshi pulled up in front of the house Mimi jumped out of the car and ran into the house slamming the door behind her. Yoshi sighed then shook his head and figured it was best to leave Mimi alone and not push her at the moment.

Yoshi then called Ritsu and let her know what was going on. They both agreed that Mimi needed to see a psychologist and that Ritsu would be the one that would get her to go. Yoshi was relieved that Ritsu agreed to this task because he knew Mimi was going to go ballistic and he did not want to be there when that happened.

Mimi decided that she needed to take her mind off of everything, because she was so annoyed, and wanted to do something that required very little brain power. So she started to open up the boxes in the hallway. Mimi opened box after box of books and after the fifth box of books she was about to call it quits when Mimi opened a box full of photos and photo albums. Mimi stared at the contents of the box; the happy faces of Hatori and her looking back at her and oddly Mimi felt nothing. Mimi grabbed one of the photo albums opened it and flicked though pictures of their wedding day and honeymoon across Europe and still Mimi felt nothing. Mimi tossed that album aside on the floor and grabbed another one. She scanned though pictures of her first Christmas with Hatori, her coming of age ceremony, the day in spring time when why went to Ueno park and walked along the street that was lined with over a thousand blossoming cherry trees and then going to Chidorigafuchi and Hatori taking them out in a row boat in the evening to enjoy the cherry trees when they were lit up, and her graduation; and still Mimi felt nothing it was as if she was dead inside.

For some unknown reason this struck Mimi as being funny and she started to laugh, but it wasn't a joyful laugh or even one of amusement, this was an empty laugh. Once it took hold Mimi found she couldn't stop. Then tears begin to spill out of her eyes and her lips curled into a frown, still laughing but in sorrowful pathetic pain, she sank to the ground. When Mimi was finally able to get herself to stop laughing she was exhausted and lay on the floor in the main hallway. Normally Mimi would have moved because she avoided the main hallway as much as she could after the attack but Mimi was so worn out she couldn't move. Mimi stared at the ceiling purposefully avoiding looking at the walls and the floor. This was because she was lying very close to where Jinpachi attacked her and the walls were still pitted from where she smashed into the table and the mirror. Even though there was a rug hiding the bloodstain floor when Mimi looked at that spot all she could see was her blood that stained the floor.

After a while Mimi needed a distraction so she reached into her pocket and took out her mobile phone and connected it to the house Wi-Fi system. Then she selected favourites from her playlist and hit play, but instead of J-pop bands singing over the speakers Nine Inch Nail's Closer started to play. Mimi instantly froze in shock as terror raced though her body lighting everything up and making her feel alive again. Instead of turning the music off Mimi let it play and she lay on the floor paralyzed with fear, yet feeling more alive then she had in years.

Then the memories of the attack took hold and Mimi could feel Jinpachi kissing her and she could taste him as Mimi remembered how he forced his tongue into her mouth and a heavy wave of sickening disgust washed over Mimi. She had to force herself to get up onto her feet and make her legs run to the bathroom. Mimi didn't make it to the toilet in time so she though up in the sink. Mimi's stomach muscles go into over drive and she hunched over the sink dry heaving for five minutes. When Mimi's body finally relaxed and she was able to stop dry heaving Mimi ran the cold water and splashed it over her face. Then Mimi reached over to the light switch on the wall and turned the light off so she didn't have to look at herself in the mirror and walked out of the bathroom.

The music was still playing as Mimi walked out of the bathroom and she quickly grabbed her mobile phone to turn the music off but she hesitated for a moment because the feeling of coming back to life filled her body once again. Then she quickly turned off the music and ran into her office and locked the door, flopped on the sofa and hided under the blanket.  

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