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...May twenty eighth five hours before Shigure's wedding in Mito...

"I don't understand why you are refusing to go to the wedding Mimi. For God's sake I'm the best man and he's your best friend. It's going to look weird if you don't go," Hatori said, his annoyance building up in his voice.

"Damn it Hatori. I told you before he was my best friend as in past tense. He is not that anymore. Shigure and I don't get along anymore and I'm not going to go to his stupid wedding. I told you this last week and the week before that. It's not like I sprung this on you and besides I didn't go to the rehearsal dinner did I," Mimi replied then walked upstairs to the bedroom.

"Why are you being so childish? I asked Shigure what he did to piss you off so much but he told me to leave it and changed the subject." Hatori said following Mimi.

Mimi tried to shut the bedroom door behind her to stop Hatori following her but he put his foot in the doorway and stopped her. Mimi opened the door and tried to leave the room but Hatori blocked the door.

"Amelia Kanzaki I'm not leaving until you tell me why you two are not friends anymore or you agree to go to the wedding."

Mimi could feel that she was going to start crying any minute and she did not want Hatori to see her. Mimi frowned then said, "You know I hate it when you call me by that name," then stomped on Hatori's foot.

This made Hatori wince in pain and step back far enough for Mimi to run into the bathroom and lock the door behind her. Mimi started to cry and sank down to the floor. Her whole body felt red hot and the cold tiles felt good on her skin. Hatori banged on the door but Mimi ignored him until he gave up. Mimi lost track of time as she lay on the floor sobbing her heart out. It was only when Mimi heard Motoko knock on the door and say it was her that Mimi got up and let her in.

Motoko took one look at Mimi then said "My goodness you really have got yourself into a right state."

Mimi, said breathless "I'm sorry Motoko I can't go to that wedding I won't be able to hold myself together. I thought I would be able to handle this but I can't. I still love him and if I have to go it will kill me."

Motoko grabbed a flannel and ran it under the cold water then wiped Mimi's face with it and said. "Stop being so melodramatic. I know it hurts but you told me last month that you were going to move on and really try making your relationship with Hatori work. Even though I think you're out of your mind getting back together. You're with my brother now and not Shigure and what that means is you have to pull yourself together and move on. I am sorry to say this but I think the only way you are going to be able to do that is to see Shigure getting married. That way you truly know it's over between you two and you can finally move on."

Mimi bent forward resting her head on Motoko's shoulder then said "I know you're right but I don't know if I will be able to hold myself together and I'm not about to explain to Hatori why I'm so upset."

Motoko gave Mimi a hug then said "I'll tell you what. If you go to the wedding and start to break down then I will take you home and make up an excuse. But you have to promise that you will hold it together as long as you can."

"Fine, I'll go then. How much time do I have to get ready?" Mimi asked in a deflated voice.

"You have two hours to get yourself together, dressed and to the main house for pictures." Motoko answered, and then she opened the door and shouted "Alright Mimi's agreed to go. Yoshi get your butt up here and help me get her ready, and Hatori why don't you go and pester Shigure while we get your wife ready."

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