Ch. 30 M ninja= Ninja turtle

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Warning character death


Meanwhile in the halls,

Clown face  smiles evilly as he points his gun at Raph. Raph holds his head in pain. Suddenly his head explores letting a feminine scream. Clown face looks at his gun.

Best gun ever Clown face smirks.


Everyone stood there in shock. They couldn't believe thire friend's head was blown up. No one knew what to say. Clara gives a applocatice look towards Venomous Shadow. She felt terrible killing his sister. She never got to say she was sorry. June was sobbing a little too over dramaticly. Mark shackes his head in pain as he begins to relive his nightmare. He kept seeing karai getting killed and he couldn't save her. And now it was his fault Venmouse shadow got killed by Waller.  Maybe if he didn't answer Waller ' s damn call... Venomous Shadow wouldn't have been killed. Venomous Shadow's neck was too thick so the bomb didn't defuse. Now his blood was everywhere on the walls. Waller really was a bitch !

Clara countines to look at Venomous Shadow with a shock look.

Yoi Why did his head explored ? Jared asks not even sounding he cared. Clara snaps he head towards, giving him a death glare.

Because the bomb in his neck didn't defuse you asshole !!!  Clara snaps, almost sounding she was gonna cry.

Jared snorts, turning his attention towards M ninja who still had her head on her head.

Then What's her excuse Jared asks refuring M ninja head not getting blown up.

June looks at M ninja before saying.

Oh I get it ! One of the turtles pulled the old switch a roul with M ninja June says supreising Clara and Jared and even Stokman.

Wait how did you figure that out so quickly ? Jared asks. M ninja really hasn't talk she only said a few things but our M ninja says a little more June explains.

Whoa... I'm actually impress Clara says. Me too mutters Stokman.

Wait if you knew this Entire Time why in the hell did you didn't say anything ?! Jared exclaims.

If I told you would think I'm crazy ! You would not believe me ! June says.

June we are your teammates of course would believe you ! We shouldn't keep secrets from one another Clara says looking at Jared when she said this.

Jared just turns away. June grins as feeling a little hope that people actually trusted her. She than frowns relizing something.

That means our M ninja is dead June says sadly. Well Waller is a bitch mutters Jared.

Wait so M ninja is really Raphael ?! Stockman asks. Yep June nods.

Okay good to know ! Stokman says taking out a gun and aiming it at the fake M ninja.

Stokman starts to shoot at Raph who ducks and throws a shuriken at Stockman's head disarming him and causing him to stubble towards the bottom that activates the electric chairs, and acidently pressing the bottom. The squad gets electriced once more unknowingly Clownface could hear it though M ninja's comlink. Mark let's out a cry of pain. Raph takes off his disguise and rushes to Mark. He cuts off the wires from his head.  Mark starts to segie in pain.

Mark ! Raph calls out. Raph knew he had to help Mark for Casey. After three months Raph had finally found Mark but now he wasn't doing to good.

Mark speak to me ! Raph calls. He uses his hand to hold Mark back and cuts away his bonds. Mark slowly opens up his eyes. His vision was hazed and his hands felt numb.

Raphael ? Mark mutters.

Yeah it's me come on I'm gonna get you out of and to your family Raph whispers. 

What about Waller ? Mark asks weakly.

Waller ? What she...

Suddenly A gun shot at Raph. Lucky Raph doges it in time.

I'M HERE BITCHES !!!!!!!!!! Clown face announced.

Athour's  note  :  Whoa June is pretty smart. Next Chapter the remaining Squad escapes the medical center.

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