Big announcement about the Sequel please read

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Yes I am writing a Squel to Tmnt Suicide Squad Assault on New York City. But I need your help. Like last time I need more oc's . This time I only need two Oc's a boy Character  and a girl character. I do have someone to ask for a girl Oc but I really need a boy Oc. So here's what you'll need to do when describing your Oc's bio in the comments.


Nickname :


Gender :



Personality :


Wepones or powers:

Theme song :

Voice actor :


And that's all you need to tell me about your Oc in the comments. As soon as you guys enter your Oc's the sooner I can write the trailer and then the story. Good luck ! And thank you guys for reading this story !

Tmnt: Suicide  Squad  Assault  on  Tcri Where stories live. Discover now