Ch.40 Helicopter fight

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Mark ran through the choas that was happening around him. Escaped mutants where battling Kranng guards. Mark sees an Helicopter that had landed. Mark smirks.

Oh no you don't  Jones !  That's my ride ! Jared  grows as he throws  a shuriken  at Mark. Mark  growls  throwing a fire ball at Jared. Jared doges it. Mark heads into the helicopter  and begins to lift off in the air. Suddenly  Mark is placed in a choke hold by none other  than Jared.

Only one of us is getting out here and it's not gonna be you ! Jared  said.

Thinking  quickly Mark throws his head into to Jared's Face causing  him to let go. Jared  falls out of the helicopter  and lands on two mutants breaking  his fall.

I'll get you for this jones !!!!!!! Jared shouts as Mark flies the helicopter into the air. Mark looks at a picture of him and Casey when they where younger.

I'm coming  soon brother Mark thought.

Suddenly Mark felt a gun to his head.

You have a brother ? asked a fimalier voice blonging to none other than Clownface.

Mark turns his head seeing Clownface and June who held the hammer  containing bomb. June looks at Mark with sorrow.

I hope he doesn't  take beging an only child to hard Clown face laughs.

Mark growls.  June's eyes widen in fear. Suddenly Clownface feels a tap on his shoulder. Turning  around  Clownface comes face to face with Clara, Katana  and Dollface.

Hi Remember  me ? Clara  smirks  punching Clownface in the face.

Taking  this as an opportunity  Mark charges at Clownface, tackling  him to the ground. Mark reptiled hits Clownface in the face. Clownface points the gun at Mark but Katana kicks it away. The gun slides across the floor, landing near June's feet. June picks up the gun pointing it at The three people fighting. She was torn she didn't know who to shoot. Her abuser who claimed he loved her or Mark who's done nothing but try to save her. She cared about them both.

June shoot Clownface ! Clara shouts.

I... I... I June strummes.

Suddenly June hers a beeping from the cockpit from the helicopter. There was no pilot !

Thinking quickly June gets into the seat and starts flying the helicopter. Desperately trying to pull the Helicopter up.

Oh no ahhhhhh !!!! Clara screams.

Athour's  note  :  June is flying the  helicopter though the city, be prepared ! Also Jared gets what he deserves.

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